[SOS-PCA] April 2024 collector call notes and link to digital data office hours

Hill, Sarah E sehill at blm.gov
Thu Apr 4 15:28:56 CDT 2024

April 2024 Collector Call


  *   National Coordinating Office – Sarah and Kristy, we manage the overall program infrastructure and data.

     *   Each team is connected to an agency (BLM, NPS, USFWS) and Agency Coordinator will be joining an agency specific breakout session at the end of this National call. Your agency coordinator is who you send your end of the year reporting to, and your point of contact for SOS programmatic questions.

     *   Interagency teams funded by BIL-BAR will be assigned to an Agency Coordinator.

        *   Great Basin – USFWS, Kelly Thomas

        *   All other DOI teams – NPS, Katie Vinzant

  *   Calls happen every month, at least one person from each team is required to join the call

     *   Notes are sent out after the call on the SOS list serv and via email. You can view archived call notes at: https://lists.plantconservation.org/pipermail/sos_lists.plantconservation.org/ .

Getting started page is on the website

  *   https://www.blm.gov/programs/native-plant-communities/native-plant-and-seed-material-development/collection/sos-getting-started

  *   Make sure as new folks are onboarded, they sign up for trainings and the collector call through the links on the getting started page

General Announcements

        *   Forms and new protocol will be updated on the SOS website by end of the week

           *   Updates generally outline interagency collaboration better

           *   Updated information on team contacts, herbaria, data reporting requirements, digital data access

           *   New SOS data form, paper scouting form, revised seed order forms, revised herbarium templates, end of season checklist, digital data quick guide.

           *   NPS Hiring 6 GS-9 term positions Crew managers - positions flying soon

Target Species List

  *   Send to your agency coordinator by end of April

  *   Estimated collection size is really helpful for planning cleaning

  *   Template on website (review template)

     *   List of genera and/or species with incoming weight limits

        *   The following genera will be limited to 5 lbs incoming weight:

           *   Achnatherum – all species other than A. hymenoides, A. lemmonii, A. speciosum

           *   Aristida – all species

           *   Chilopsis linearis

           *   Hespirostipa – all species

           *   Muhlenbergia – all species

        *   The follow species will be limited to 10 lbs incoming weight:

           *   Juniperus – all species

           *   Prosopsis glandulosa

     *   Please contact BSE for prior approval before shipping any collection over 50 lbs.


     *   All collectors and support staff are required to get training from the National Coordinating Office; we have many training opportunities. If none of the following meet your training needs, reach out to Sarah Hill.

     *   Next Training this Wed/Thurs Full virtual

        *   If you have not yet registered for Geoplatform access it might be too late, but you can still follow along and watch the training recording in more detail later.

     *   May 8/9, June, July TBD

     *   Regional trainings – Great Basin April 16 – 18, SE April 8/9, AK April 23/24, HI May

     *   NTC in person course live in DOI talent, April 30 – May 2

        *   https://doimspp.sharepoint.com/sites/blm-NTC-Course-and-Training-Information/Announcements/SitePages/Seeds-for-Success,-Seed-Collecting-for-Conservation-and-Restoration---1730-06.aspx?CT=1709579701236&OR=OWA-NT-Mail&CID=a00752cf-00a8-93d5-6a7f-e01af8ea4708

        *   Non-federal BLM partners, if you are interested in attending, choose the in-person training option on the general SOS training registration and Sarah will follow up

     *   BLM 4X4 Safe Driving Program  https://edoiu.doi.gov/login/index.php - highly recommend

        *   Can be accessed by anyone outside the DOI network, including contractors who do not have access to DOI Talent.

  *   Create an account in eDOIU

  *   Access the course by locating it under the Safety Training category

  *   Took Sarah about an hour to get account approved

  *   Office Hours

     *   Hosting Geoplatform office hours the hour after each training – everyone is welcome to drop in for digital data help

     *   April 4th

        *   Click here to join the meeting<https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NjQwZjE3YTUtOTIxNC00OTQ5LTk4OWQtNjhlOGFhZDQ1YzNl%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%220693b5ba-4b18-4d7b-9341-f32f400a5494%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22904b1b2b-1dd3-4034-b59e-e91130099a50%22%7d>

        *   Meeting ID: 223 390 063 235
Passcode: U9DU3N

        *   Download Teams<https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-teams/download-app> | Join on the web<https://www.microsoft.com/microsoft-teams/join-a-meeting>

        *   Learn More<https://aka.ms/JoinTeamsMeeting> | Meeting options<https://teams.microsoft.com/meetingOptions/?organizerId=904b1b2b-1dd3-4034-b59e-e91130099a50&tenantId=0693b5ba-4b18-4d7b-9341-f32f400a5494&threadId=19_meeting_NjQwZjE3YTUtOTIxNC00OTQ5LTk4OWQtNjhlOGFhZDQ1YzNl@thread.v2&messageId=0&language=en-US>

     *   May 9th

        *   Click here to join the meeting<https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ZjIyZDg2NTAtMmUwMi00YWI0LWI0ZjAtOWQyNGQxNmJjMzgx%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%220693b5ba-4b18-4d7b-9341-f32f400a5494%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22904b1b2b-1dd3-4034-b59e-e91130099a50%22%7d>

        *   Meeting ID: 222 483 100 24
Passcode: ZUvBdE

        *   Download Teams<https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-teams/download-app> | Join on the web<https://www.microsoft.com/microsoft-teams/join-a-meeting>

        *   Learn More<https://aka.ms/JoinTeamsMeeting> | Meeting options<https://teams.microsoft.com/meetingOptions/?organizerId=904b1b2b-1dd3-4034-b59e-e91130099a50&tenantId=0693b5ba-4b18-4d7b-9341-f32f400a5494&threadId=19_meeting_ZjIyZDg2NTAtMmUwMi00YWI0LWI0ZjAtOWQyNGQxNmJjMzgx@thread.v2&messageId=0&language=en-US>

Cleaning Facilities

  *   Seed tracking form – review where seeds should be sent

     *   AK – Palmer PMC

     *   BIL-BAR – Bend

     *   NPS and FWS BIL-ER – Dorena

     *   BLM and NPS agency collections – TBD, depends on estimated total for collections and when collections will need to be returned for use.

     *   SH will send out a list of codes and cleaning facilities

SOS Partners Updates

Bend Seed Extractory, Dorena Genetics Resources Center, USDA-ARS, or U.S. National Herbarium (Smithsonian)

  *   Bailey Hallwachs, USDA-ARS unable to attend

  *   Haley Smith – Dorena GRC – Happy to have a conversation with folks if you have questions about seed and cleaning or shipping

  *   Sarah Garvin – Bend Seed Extractory – Finished all the processing and getting ready to make a shipment to WRPIS, test results entered within the next couple months. Sarah Hill will share after that.

Digital Data section

  *   If something is off in GPLAT, turn it off and on again or try clearing your cache

  *   If you do not see your collector code in the preseason testing, please type it in. Collector codes will be updated to all forms by this Friday 4/5.

  *   Digital Data Collection User Guide will be added to each regional group soon.

     *   At the end of the document, you will see a data dictionary describing what information is collected in each field and what options are available to enter.

  *   Preseason testing is going well, if you have completed the preseason work by 4/1 you have been added to your regional group. Kristy will send out an email once you have been added (unless you requested expedited access)

  *   Common errors in the preseason testing forms:

     *   Missing elevation

     *   Trailing space in Locality field

     *   Missing Geology

     *   Not running your location calculation

        *   Ecoregion missing the “E” in the code

        *   BLM Admin Units

        *   Missing Geology


For the seeds,


Sarah Hill


Seeds of Success National Curator
Bureau of Land Management - contractor

Currently working from home - contact me for my cell #

Seeds of Success<https://www.blm.gov/programs/natural-resources/native-plant-communities/native-plant-and-seed-material-development/collection>

National Seed Strategy<https://www.blm.gov/programs/natural-resources/native-plant-communities/national-seed-strategy>

Plant Conservation Alliance<https://www.blm.gov/programs/natural-resources/native-plant-communities/national-seed-strategy/pca>

Subscribe to the PCA and SOS listservs<http://lists.plantconservation.org/mailman/listinfo>

Why I list my pronouns<https://pronouns.org/what-and-why>

I respectfully acknowledge that I live and work on the unceded ancestral, traditional and contemporary lands of the Nuwe/Nume (Paiute, Shoshone, Bannock) people who have stewarded this land throughout the generations.
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