[SOS-PCA] Seed-ify Wrapped
Thomas, Kelly M
kelly_thomas at fws.gov
Fri Jan 24 12:46:09 CST 2025
Hello SOS Collectors,
We wanted to share a fun and creative "Seed-ify Wrapped," inspired by Spotify Wrapped, which was created by the Seeds of Success team FWS0500: Eli Park Byington, Sam Rogers, and Tomas Todisco of Native Plant Trust. It was a great way to summarize their collecting season in New England – check it out!
LinkedIn Post Link<https://www.linkedin.com/posts/native-plant-trust_funded-by-a-grant-from-the-us-fish-wildlife-activity-7287259990107516928-Iah9?utm_source=social_share_sheet&utm_medium=member_desktop_web>
If you'd like to create your own Seed-ify Wrapped to highlight your season, Eli has graciously shared the video format. You can use the same method they did: download the video you create from Canva, then upload it into CapCut to add royalty-free music.
Here’s a link to the Canva video format (without sound):
Canva Template Link<https://www.canva.com/design/DAGdIpRhmYA/UeKzWzZdKmL53N9VpIq6GA/edit?utm_content=DAGdIpRhmYA&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton>
If you do create your own, please feel free to share it with the SOS coordinators at kelly_thomas at fws.gov.
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