[SOS-PCA] Important Updates for the 2024 CWR Symposium

Stephanie Greene stephanie at conservepgr.com
Thu Jul 18 16:18:51 CDT 2024

Important Updates for the 2024 Crop Wild Relative Symposium

New Additions to the CWR 2024 Symposium program!

   - A Wildland Gathering to celebrate Indigenous wild plant foraging will
   be convened by the Flower Hill Institute on Sept. 16, 9:00 - 3:00 p.m. The
   Wildland Gathering will include Tribal representatives from across North
   America and facilitated discussions will focus on North American Indigenous
   foragers and gatherers of wildland plants. Learn more.

   Herbaceous Perennial Grains Working Group Meeting, September 19, 1:00-
   4:30 pm. Learn more.

New! Live Stream Option


   For those who are not able to attend the symposium in person, a
   live-streaming option for the symposium is now available for $40 per
   person. Register Here

Reminder! Deadline for Lightning Presentation Abstracts is July 19th,
2024. Submit
Abstract <https://www.usbg.gov/call-abstracts-2024-cwr-symposium>

For more information about the symposium, visit
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