[SOS-PCA] PCA Meeting Tuesday, May 21

Prescott, Leah lprescott at blm.gov
Tue May 14 12:55:32 CDT 2019

***The next Plant Conservation Alliance meeting is on Tuesday, May 21st
from 2:00 - 4:00 pm ET.***

Join the live WEBINAR: **

Number: 742990168
Passcode: meeting

Call-in Number:     1-877-414-1336
Call-in Passcode:   6177335#

** Be sure to enter the meeting number and passcode for this conference.
There may be previously stored information in your computer that
automatically populates the fields and can direct you to an alternate


2:00 Introductions

2:10  Javier Robayo, Executive Director of Fundacion EcoMinga (EcoMinga

**Read more at ecomingafoundation.wordpress.com**

3:10 Roundtable for Participant Announcements/Communications

3:30 Updates on PCA Activities

Federal Committee

Non-Federal Committee

Working Groups

3:50 Closing Remarks

4:00 Adjourn

*****This meeting will be held in the John Muir room at the Main Interior
Building, 1849 C St. NW, Washington, DC 20240.*****

*If you plan to attend this meeting in person, please RSVP to Leah Prescott
(lprescott at blm.gov <lprescott at blm.gov>) by COB May 15th*

Thank you!

Leah Prescott
Seeds of Success
National Collection Curator (Contractor)

Seeds of Success
National Seed Strategy for Rehabilitation and Restoration
Plant Conservation Alliance <http://www.plantconservationalliance.org/>
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