[SOS-PCA] WEBINARS: Collecting Genetic Diversity and Provisional & Empirical Seed Zones

Riibe, Lindsey lriibe at blm.gov
Fri Jun 23 12:06:30 CDT 2017

Last year the Great Basin Fire Science Exchange produced a webinar series
based on the goals of the National Seed Strategy. Below are 2 of those
presentations that relate to SOS program goals.

*Producing native plant materials: ten rules to collect and maintain
genetic diversity*

Using genetically diverse, ecologically appropriate native plant material
in restoration is important to recover ecosystems and support long-term
persistence in the face of changing environments. However, genetic loss or
change can all-too-easily occur during all steps of the native plant
materials production process. Andrea Kramer, Conservation Scientist,
Chicago Botanic Garden, describes each potential production step where
genetic diversity can be lost and outline 10 rules to assist in the
collection and production of native plant material for restoration,
providing justification for, and examples of why, each rule is important.

*Selection of genetically appropriate plant materials for increase*

Goal one of the National Seed Strategy is to have available and use
genetically appropriate seed for restoration. Holly Prendeville, Research
Geneticist, USFS PNW, Corvallis, Oregon, explains provisional and empirical
seed zones and discusses tools available that allow us to use seed zones to
select genetically appropriate plant materials for restoration.


It was great meeting so many of you at the SOS training in Boise and the
Chicago Botanic Garden!
Happy seed collecting!

Lindsey Riibe
Bureau of Land Management
Plant Conservation Program Assistant

National Seed Strategy for Rehabilitation and Restoration
Plant Conservation Alliance <http://www.plantconservationalliance.org/>
Seeds of Success
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