[SOS-PCA] SOS Reminder - Bend Seed Extractory CLOSED JUNE 28 - JULY 5

Hosna, Rachel rhosna at blm.gov
Tue Jun 20 12:00:00 CDT 2017

Hi Everyone,

This is just a reminder that the Bend Seed Extractory *will be closed*
from *June
28 - July 5*.

*Please do not ship any seed that would arrive during that time.*

Any seed awaiting shipment should go out no later than Thursday or Friday
of this week, or wait until after the holiday.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Rachel Hosna
Seeds of Success
National Collection Curator
rhosna at blm.gov

Seeds of Success
Plant Conservation Alliance <http://www.plantconservationalliance.org/>
National Seed Strategy for Rehabilitation and Restoration
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