[SOS-PCA] SOS Collectors Call Notes - August 1, 2017

Hosna, Rachel rhosna at blm.gov
Wed Aug 2 09:31:30 CDT 2017

SOS Collectors Call Notes  - August 1, 2017

There were 22 teams on the call.

·         There have been a little over 200 records entered through the
data portal and the data is looking great! The most incomplete fields are
geology, ecoregion and land owner so please remember to fill those in.

·         For landowner, you can use an acronym for major government
agencies like BLM/USFS/USFWS but please spell out any other landowners.

·         Once all of your data is in the portal, please export and look
over it to be sure everything is complete.

·         Rachel is working on a new annual report template for the SOS
program and wants to make sure we have pictures of people. Do not forget to
take pictures of each other out in the field, especially if you work with
any volunteer groups.

·         The data portal will be OFFLINE on August 8th from 3-7 CST for
some updates.

·         Some of you might be having issues finding the species you
collected in the portal, especially if you have identified to subspecies or
variety. This is because the USDA Plants website has made some updates, and
we still need to pull those into BGBase. I am not sure when this update
will happen but please let me know if you run into this issue.

·         Rachel has gotten a few calls about how to collect specific
species. You can always reach out to folks via the SOS listserv but please
check out a new resource created by Clara Holmes at the Mid-Atlantic
Regional Seed Bank. It was born out of the "tools" break out session at the
National Native Seed Conference where the folks talked about what tools
could help collectors be more successful in finding their species or
collecting their species, etc.  Clara’s website contains a bunch of
different threads and one of them is "species specific questions or
advice".  Please look at this site when you get a chance.  Seed Collectors
Forum <https://seedcollectors.forumotion.com/>

·         There was a question about where to get geology information. See
website below. You can open your states geology layer in GoogleEarth and
type in the coordinates of your collection location. Geology Resource

Thanks to everyone who was able to make the call! The next call will be
September 5th!

*If you were unable to make the call*, please shoot me an e-mail with the
following information:
-How many collections have you made?
-How many have been sent to Bend?
-How many more collections do you anticipate?
-How many collections will be operational?
-When does your season end?

Rachel Hosna
Seeds of Success
National Collection Curator
rhosna at blm.gov

Seeds of Success
Plant Conservation Alliance <http://www.plantconservationalliance.org/>
National Seed Strategy for Rehabilitation and Restoration
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