[SOS-PCA] Fwd: Survey: The Anthropology of Seed Conservation

Haidet, Margaret (Megan) mahaidet at blm.gov
Tue Aug 4 13:13:11 CDT 2015

Here it is again with the correct link to the survey.

      Seed Conservation: What does it mean to save a seed?           Dear
Seeds of Success members,

I am an Ethnobotany PhD student from the University of Kent in the UK and
my research is on seed conservation.

As part of my research I am carrying out a survey of people's perceptions
and values of the environment in seed conservation networks.

It would be fantastic if yourself and members of your team who are involved
in seed collection and conservation could take this survey and contribute
to my research.
It's great to get a wide sample, so whether you have been in seed
conservation for 3 weeks or 15 years please consider taking part.

The survey should take about 15-20 minutes.
It'd be great to hear your thoughts.

Please link through to the survey here

Thank you very much,
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