[SOS-PCA] SOS Training Course

Haidet, Margaret mahaidet at blm.gov
Wed Mar 26 13:54:05 CDT 2014

*Seed Collection for Conservation and  Restoration (Seeds of Success
1730-06)* .   This 2.5 day course will teach the Seeds of Success (SOS)
protocol for collection, shipping, and storage of native wildland seed
collections.  Material covered includes seed sampling strategies, field
preparedness, a native plant taxonomy review, the development of a targeted
species list, collecting voucher specimens, post-collection seed care and
the process for requesting native seed for small restoration and
rehabilitation projects.  A field component will reinforce classroom
discussion topics.

This year's course will be in Boise, ID May 13-15.

There is a $500 fee for non-BLM participants.

Registration for this course is available through DOI Learn. You may also
contact Lori Young, Training Coordinator, if you have any additional
questions (602-906-5640, lyoung at blm.gov).

Megan Haidet
Seeds of Success
National Collection Curator
Seeds of Success

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