[SOS-PCA] SOS Call Notes: April 1, 2014

Haidet, Margaret mahaidet at blm.gov
Thu Apr 17 15:04:11 CDT 2014

SOS Collectors Call

April 1, 2014

There were 29 participants on the call.

- 2013 season summary: To date 1585 data sheets have been entered into the
SOS database. This includes 800 taxa collected by 48 teams.

- 2014 Target lists and number of collections: Please let the National SOS
Coordinator know how many collections your office is planning to make. Work
with local and regional partners/BLM to develop 2014 targeted species list.
Please submit this list to the National SOS Office.

- SOS Process: Each collection team is responsible for making seed
collections, herbarium vouchers and taking photos for each collection.
Guidance is in the SOS Technical Protcol and on the SOS website.

- Herbarium vouchers: Collect vouchers for each SOS collection. Ideal
vouchers will be collected when the specimen is in bloom. The SOS website
includes good resources on taking vouchers.

- Data quality: Please do your best to include ALL information requested on
the SOS Data Sheet. Especially important are identifying collections to
species and getting that identification checked by a "specialist".
Specialists should be extremely proficient in the local flora. Be sure that
collections contain 10,000-20,000 seed. Conduct cut tests throughout
collecting trips to be sure the seed is mature.

- Website: Has officially launched. www.blm.gov\sos. Check it out and
provide feedback.

- Trainings:

BLM Training Course, May 13-16, Boise, ID, Register through DOI Learn or
contact Lori Young.

CLM Training Course, June 9-13, Glencoe, IL, for CBG interns only.

- Round Robin

Next call: May 6, 2014

12 noon Eastern

11 am Central

10 am Mountain

9 am Pacific

8 am Alaska

Megan Haidet
Seeds of Success
National Collection Curator
Seeds of Success

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