[RWG] GMO: Petitions for Deregulation - LINK

Gena Fleming genafleming at gmail.com
Tue Jan 31 11:40:10 CST 2012

My apologies, I forgot the link:


Also, I correct myself, the term is "nonregulation", not "deregulation".....

Gena Fleming

On 31 January 2012 11:37, Gena Fleming <genafleming at gmail.com> wrote:

> Genetically engineered plants and some other organisms are "regulated"
> (actually deregulated) through APHIS of the USDA.
> First, a permit is applied for when these crops are going to be grown out
> in the open, with some nominal precautions taken such as a little distance
> maintained between the crop and other crops.  Also, the crops are
> theoretically monitored.
> Notifications are also filed when there is movement from one state to the
> next.
> Now we come to the PETITION FOR DEREGULATED STATUS.  After growing the
> crops for a while in various fields the exact location of which is not made
> public, the company can petition for deregulation.  Once the petition is
> approved, the crop completely falls of the radar and is no longer monitored
> in any way whatsoever.  Petitioning for deregulation is the end result of
> the "regulatory" process.  We have regulation that leads to deregulation.
> Here is a list of 1) crops for which deregulation status has been applied;
> and below that 2) crops for which deregulation status has already been
> granted.
> Best regards,
> Gena Fleming
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