[MPWG] Fwd: ginseng in the news
Susan Leopold
susan at unitedplantsavers.org
Fri Sep 6 13:56:19 CDT 2013
Not sure why I am getting blocked it could be that my leopold at igc.org address is not on the list???
Susan Leopold, PhD
Executive Director, UpS
susan at unitedplantsavers.org
Begin forwarded message:
> From: mpwg-owner at lists.plantconservation.org
> Subject: Re: [MPWG] ginseng in the news
> Date: September 6, 2013 2:25:35 PM EDT
> To: leopold at igc.org
> You are not allowed to post to this mailing list, and your message has
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> From: Susan Leopold <leopold at igc.org>
> Subject: Re: [MPWG] ginseng in the news
> Date: September 6, 2013 2:25:16 PM EDT
> To: Robert Layton Beyfuss <rlb14 at cornell.edu>
> Cc: MoonBranch Botanicals <moonbranch at earthlink.net>, "mpwg at lists.plantconservation.org" <mpwg at lists.plantconservation.org>, Jessica Bernier <jessicabernier at ymail.com>, "Frank T. Adams" <ftadams1934 at gmail.com>
> I think that the letter states well the complexity of the ginseng issue. To add context to the CBS interest it was really picked up because of the LA times story on poaching in the National Park where it has been well documented by the botanist of the National Park and in this story the Smokies that the populations have dramatically declined. I tried to express the layered issues to those putting the story together but it was for a small segment that was not aimed at covering a complex issue. The hopeful side of the story is of course all the work of so many that have dedicated themselves to ginseng and educating those that actively grow and encourage wild simulated ginseng stands. I myself in Virginia have a nice stand that Andy Hankins helped me plant on my farm in VIrginia 12 years ago, though in all honesty I have no idea where Andy got those seeds.... I never thought to ask that question.....
> Since the story linked to the UpS site I tried to update our home page with clear statements and current research on the issue, I did this since I knew it would be a two min episode focused on one narrow aspect of the story. I welcome feedback on the change.org letter and hope that the positive outcomes can come about such as cultivating a domestic market for wild simulated and ethically sources ginseng since most herbalists feel it is utter taboo to use American ginseng because of concerns that it is endangered. In Shenandoah National Park most of the known populations are gone but as you mentioned habitat loss and in the park for sure deer are certainly a major player in the missing ginseng. Thanks for your letter and time to respond to the story....
> I also welcome feedback on the UpS ginseng page...
> Thanks
> Susan
> On Sep 6, 2013, at 1:54 PM, Robert Layton Beyfuss wrote:
>> <Dear CBS News.docx>
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