[MPWG] Fw: Call for Reviewers: Preliminary draft of Plants & the Pollinators they Support: A guide for farmers, land managers, and gardeners in the Eastern Broadleaf Forest

Patricia_DeAngelis at fws.gov Patricia_DeAngelis at fws.gov
Wed May 2 10:18:17 CDT 2007

Dear Colleagues: 

The North American Pollinator Protection Campaign (NAPPC) is preparing a 
series of Regional brochures to be used as a tool for public outreach and 
education on the use of native plants to promote good pollinator habitat. 
A preliminary draft of the first installment, Plants & the Pollinators 
they Support: A guide for farmers, land managers, and gardeners in the 
Eastern Broadleaf Forest - CT, NJ, RI, DE, KY, MA, MD, ME, and NH, is 
available for review. 

I have been given permission to ask for wider input, so long as I submit 
the comments as one document.  With this e-mail, I am inviting additional 
eyes/brains into the review.  If this process is successful, we may have 
the opportunity to review additional brochures in the future.

Below are the details of what will be involved in this review.  I'm 
especially looking for reviewers from the focal region for this brochure 
and who belong to any of the target audiences (Farmers and Ranchers; 
Public Land Mangers; and Gardeners).  Please inform me by e-mail if you 
are interested in providing comments, so that I may send you the documents 
and guide to reviewers. 

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Project Title: Preliminary draft of Plants & the Pollinators they Support: 
A guide for farmers, land managers, and gardeners in the Eastern Broadleaf 
Forest - CT, NJ, RI, DE, KY, MA, MD, ME, and NH

Project Goal:  Tool for public outreach/education in promoting good 
wildlife habitat, use of native plants, etc.  Development is being 
supported by National Fish & Wildlife Foundation & US Forest Service.  The 
guides will supply information on specific plants for bio-regions, 
promoting landscape practices that favor native pollinators and plants.

Overview: With the idea that regional guides will be more useful than a 
national "top ten list of plants for pollinators," this guide will include 
general information on all types of pollinators - birds, bats, insects 
--found in the eastern US, as well as lists of plants that are nectar and 
larval food sources for pollinators & information on flower color & bloom 
period.   Once completed, the finalized text will be converted into a 
graphic representation with lots of photos.  The end product will be 
available online as a downloadable pdf, and hopefully, as a printed 
brochure that can be distributed through Extension and NRCS offices, 
wildlife offices, garden and community centers.  This brochure will serve 
as a template for the next region. The idea is to create generic sections 
that will be repeated in each guide, and have customized sections, 
especially plant lists, for each region being tackled.

Target Audiences: 
1. Farmers and Ranchers
2. Public Land Mangers
3. Gardeners

Deadline for review:  Monday, May 7th

How can I review this document?  Send me an e-mail to let you know that 
you are interested and I will provide you with the documents to review.

Patricia S. De Angelis, Ph.D.
Botanist - Division of Scientific Authority
Chair - Plant Conservation Alliance - Medicinal Plant Working Group
US Fish & Wildlife Service
4401 N. Fairfax Dr., Suite 750
Arlington, VA  22203
703-358-1708 x1753
FAX: 703-358-2276
Working for the conservation and sustainable use of our green natural 

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