[MPWG] Comment Period Extended re: BLM herbicide application plan

Cafesombra at aol.com Cafesombra at aol.com
Sat Jan 7 10:48:52 CST 2006

** COMMENT DEADLINE HAS BEEN  EXTENDED - Comments Due February 10th 2006**

The following commentary forwarded from American Lands  Alliance 
_www.americanlands.org_ (http://www.americanlands.org) 
The Bureau of Land Management proposes to dramatically  increase herbicide 
use on almost 1 million acres (932,000) of public land across  17 western 
states. A new draft Environmental Impact Statement was prepared to  address the 
explosion of aggressive invasive weeds that subsume native  vegetation that 
sustains wildlife and biodiversity. 

Logging, road  building, off road vehicles and livestock grazing are the 
primary causes for the  massive introduction and establishment of invasive weeds. 
Invasive weeds  “hitchhike” on the tires of logging trucks and ORVs, on 
livestock hooves and in  feces, and are easily established wherever the ground has 
been disturbed.  

Rather than address the causes of spreading invasives by eliminating these 
activities, the BLM  proposes to address the symptoms  by increasing the use of 
herbicides that poison the air, land, water, wildlife  and humans and require 
the use of mechanized equipment for application. Until the agency addresses 
the causes of weed invasions, its proposed  treatments for the weed invasion and 
other undesirable vegetation will  fail.

Your Help is Needed 

Please help by submitting  comments to the BLM on the PEIS and PER. The PEIS 
and PER are available at: _http://www.blm.gov/nhp/spotlight/VegEIS/_ 
(http://www.blm.gov/nhp/spotlight/VegEIS/) .  If this link does not work go to: 
www.blm.gov <_http://www.blm.gov_ (http://www.blm.gov/) >  and scroll to the bottom 
of the page and click on  “Vegetation EIS.”

Send your comments to:

Mr. Brian Amme
PEIS Program Manager
Nevada State Office
PO Box  12000
Reno,  Nevada 80520-0006
Fax: 775.861-0006
Email:  vegeis at nv.blm.gov 

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