[MPWG] Help needed
JPS Kohli
info at businesshorizons.com
Mon Feb 27 23:17:18 CST 2006
I have received the following message from an unknown person in Spain. The only reason I can think of as to why I received this message is that perhaps this person found my website and saw books on herbal medicine and the website is also available in Spanish language (among others).
As I am not a clinical herbalist, I would request members of this group to please try and help this person. The original message is in Spanish which I have translated badly by my software to English as my Spanish does not go beyond Hola e Adios. A very quick look tells me that Alpha-Lipoic Acid and Gamma-Linolenic Acid may help (Flaxseed, Fish Oils etc.) But I am not about to advise the patient as this is beyond my expertise. Just loud thinking.
Me dirijo a usted para pedirles un consejo o un tratamiento ya que he visitado muchos sitios y no he encontrado una solución, para la enfermedad que me han diagnosticado hace en torno a 10 años (enfermedad de Charcot-Marie-Tooth tipo1, forma neural), y cuyos síntomas se van agravando a medida que va pasando el tiempo. El problema consiste en la perdida de mielina, al nervio perder la capa que lo cubre, este se va deteriorando hasta su total destrucción. Los esguinces de tobillo son cada vez mas frecuentes, estoy perdiendo sensibilidad y motricidad en manos y pies, es por eso por lo que me dirijo a ustedes rogándoles una solución, o por lo menos un tratamiento si es que lo hay. Todos los especialista a los que he acudido me han dicho lo mismo, que no hay tratamiento para esta enfermedad, cada día que pasa los planes de futuro de van deshaciendo, doy gracias a mi familia que me apoyan en todo pero a veces los síntomas de la enfermedad me puede más. Siempre he trabajado en el sector de la construcción, no se hacer otra cosa, después de sacar el graduado escolar, mis padres no me podían económicamente pagar unos estudios y no he tenido mas remedio que ponerme a trabajar para ganarme la vida, pero a medida que la enfermedad va avanzando, mi vida se va destruyendo, poco a poco, no tengo de que mantenerme si no es por mi esfuerzo físico, que ya no se hasta donde podré llegar ganándome el pan humildemente. Siempre he llevado una alimentación sana, y el hacer deporte me ha ayudado a valerme por mi mismo y así le he plantado cara a esta enfermedad pero llegado a este punto la enfermedad me puede más, por eso os pido ayuda para ver si en un futuro la vida me puede cambiar a mejor, o si fuera posible facilitarme el nombre de algún tratamiento para poder subsistir en esta vida cruel. Ahh, los especialistas en neurología no me pueden ayudar ya que los tratamientos que hay hasta la fecha en la medicina tradicional no son nada efectivos. Hé aquí el porqué de este mensaje a ver si alguien me puede aconsejar o ayudar a establecer el equilibrio a mi organismo aportándole las lipoproteínas a las vainas de mielina necesaria para su correcto funcionamiento. Sin nada más que añadir me despido atentamente rogándoles una respuesta Reciba un cordial saludo Francisco Diepa Jiménez.
I go to you to request them since an advice or a treatment I have visited many places and I have not found a solution, for the illness that you/they have diagnosed me around 10 years ago (illness of Charcot-Marie-Tooth tipo1, forms neural), and whose symptoms leave increasing as he/she goes the time happening. The problem consists on the lost of mielina, to the nerve to lose the layer that covers it, this he/she goes deteriorating until its total destruction. The ankle sprains are every time but you frequent, I am losing sensibility and motricidad in hands and feet, it is for that reason for what I go to you requesting them a solution, or at least a treatment if it is that there is him. All the specialist to those that I have gone has told me the same thing that there is not treatment for this illness, every day that passes the future plans of they go undoing, I give thanks to my family that you/they support me in everything but the symptoms of the illness sometimes can more me. I have always worked in the sector of the construction, you not to make another thing, after taking out the graduate one school, my parents I economically could not pay some studies and I have not had but I remedy that to begin to work to win me the life, but as the illness goes advancing, my life leaves destroying, little by little, I don't have to stay if it is not for my physical effort that no longer you up to where I will be able to arrive winning me lowly the bread. I have always taken a healthy feeding, and making sport has helped me to be worth me for myself and I have planted this way him face to this illness but arrived to this point the illness he/she can me more, for that reason I request you help to see if in a future the life can change me to better, or if it was possible to facilitate me the name of some treatment to be able to subsist in this cruel life. Ahh, the specialists in neurology cannot help me since the treatments that there is so far in the traditional medicine they are not anything troops. Hé here the reason of this message to see if somebody can seek advice or to help to establish the balance to my organism contributing him the lipoproteínas to the sheaths of necessary mielina for their correct operation. Without nothing else that to add says goodbye to requesting them an answer sincerely he/she Receives a cordial one I greet Francisco Diepa Jiménez
Please reply directly to s.diepa at wanadoo.es
J P S Kohli (B. Pharm)
Business Horizons
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