[MPWG] Fwd: On Herbal Drugs & Medicinal Plants - 2 Recent Works
Eric T. Jones
etj-list at ifcae.org
Fri Nov 26 11:29:37 CST 2004
>1. Herbal Drugs and Biotechnology / Editor: Prof. Dr. Pravin Chandra
>Trivedi. 1st ed. Jaipur, Pointer Publishers. 2004. xvi, 368 p. ills. 26 cm.
>List Price: $ 75.00 Your Price: $ 67.50
>ISBN: 8171323812 KK-32856
> ----------------------------------------
>Herbal medicine today owes its existence much to the skill and painstaking
>labour of the ancient, traditional folk healers of India and the world,
>who were pioneers in discovering the curative effects of several herbs,
>often at the risk of the lives of their fellowmen. The slow but certainly
>active herbal drugs have suffered badly in preference to the fast-acting
>synthetic drugs of modern medicine. Fortunately, people are becoming
>conscious of the grave side effects of modern synthetic medicines, and
>herbs are once again staging a dramatic comeback.
>This book `Herbal Drugs and Biotechnology' contains 17 chapters on
>different aspects of medicinal plants having biotechnological approaches.
>Articles on traditional herbal medicines; phytochemical and antimicrobial
>studies; plants used in hypercholesterolamina; having hypolipidaemic
>agents and anti-fertility efficacy and anti-cancerous properties have been
>with in detail covering recent findings on the subject. The role of
>biotechnology, using tissue culture studies on medicinal plants,
>antimicrobial agents from in vivo and tissue culture study;
>micropropagation and chemistry of plants have been included to project the
>importance of biotechnology in this century. The chapter on various facets
>of standardisation of tools for utilisation of medicinal plants is the
>need of the day, keeping in mind the adulteration in the crude drug
>market. The chapter on phytochemicals in radioprotection provides additional
>information on the subject. The book also covers information on medicinal
>orchids, exploitation of inter-specific crosses for developing novel plant
>and nematode diseases of medicinal plants.
> Contents
>1. Traditional Herbal Medicines for Healthcare and Management of Human
>Diseases / P. C. Trivedi and Sampat Nehra
>2. Phytochemical and Antimicrobial Studies from Paliyan Medicines of
>Tirunelveli District in Tamil Nadu, India / M. B. Viswanathan and N. Ramesh
>3. Therapeutic Application of Spirulina fusiformis in Hypercholesterolamia
>/ Pushpa Srivastava and Anuradha Sharma
>4. Phytochemicals in Radioprotection: A Review / R. M. Samarth, Meenakshi
>Panwar, Madhu Kumar and Ashok Kumar
>5. Plant and Plant Products Used as Hypolipidaemic / Antiatherosclerotic
>Agents / S. C. Joshi, Meenakshi Sharma, Anita Gajraj, Tripta Sharma and
>Reena Mathur
>6. Male Anti-Fertility Efficacy of Medicinal Plants / R. S. Gupta and
>Aruna Sharma
>7. Tissue Culture Studies on Medicinally Important Plants of Family
>Rutaceae / Shiv Kumar Singh, P. L. Swarnkar and L. K. Pareek
>8. Antimicrobial Agents from In Vivo and Tissue Cultures of Arid Zone
>Cultivars / T. N. Nag, S. Tyagi, and N. Chouhan
>9. Micropropagation of Curculigo orchioides / R. K. Nema, Y. S.
>Sarangdeot, Dilip K. Arora and K. G. Ramawat
>10. Exploitation of Interspecific Crosses and its Prospects for Developing
>Novel Plant Type in Opium Poppy (Papaver somniferum L.) / Sudhir Shukla
>and S. P. Singh
>11. Plant Abortifacients Used by Tribals of Rajasthan State, India / Jyoti
>Nargas and P. C. Trivedi
>12. Nematode Problems of Medicinal Plants and Their Management / Akhtar
>Haseeb and Prabhat Kumar Shukla
>13. Studies on Inhibition of Germination and Induction of Short-Term
>Dormancy in Seeds of Tylophora indica (Burm. F.) Merr. / Sandhya Tyagi
>14. Various Facets of Standardisation--a Tool for Utilisation of Medicinal
>Plants / M. S. Dashora
>15. Nutrition, Diet and Cancer / P. K. Goyal
>16. Chemistry of Polyacetylenic Constituents From Some Compositae Plants /
>Pahup Singh and Jyoti Lamba
>17. Medicinal Orchids: Their Chemistry and Conservation Strategies / S. M.
>Prof. Pravin Chandra Trivedi, having worked as a Post-Doctoral Fellow at
>the North Carolina State University, Raleigh, is Professor of Botany at
>the University of Rajasthan, Jaipur. Dr. Trivedi has visited several major
>research laboratories and U.S.A., Canada, U.K., Germany, The Netherlands,
>Japan, Italy, Denmark, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Singapore,
>Austria and Belgium.
> ----------------------------------------
>2. Ethnomedicinal Plants / Editors: Prof. Pravin Chandra Trivedi and Dr.
>N. K. Sharma. 1st ed. Jaipur, Pointer Publishers. 2004. x, 246 p. ills.
>25 cm.
>List Price: $ 55.00 Your Price: $ 49.50
>ISBN: 8171323863 KK-32876
> ----------------------------------------
>India has one of the oldest, richest and most diverse cultural traditions
>called `folk tradition' associated with the use of medicinal herbs.
>Traditional folk medicine is the application of indigenous beliefs,
>knowledge, skills and cultural practices concerned with human health. The
>ethnic people have provided several miracle plants of medicinal value to
>modern civilisation.
>The present book, Ethnomedicinal Plants, contains 15 articles on different
>aspects of the subject. The book contains articles on medicinal plants in
>India and their conservation; protection of traditional knowledge;
>medicinal plants of Nepal; and ethno-medico botany of Orissa and some
>parts of Rajasthan. Articles on the uses of plants in the treatment of urinary
>tract diseases; ethno-veterinary medicinal plants and plants in healthcare
>during pregnancy include some general and a few specific medicinal plants
>of great importance. In addition to this, general articles, namely,
>ethnobotany--green gold branch of botanical sciences and modulation of
>radiosensitivity by certain plant and plant products, etc. have added to
>the value of the book. This book provides excellent glimpses of the rich
>ethnomedicinal heritage of India.
> Contents
>1. Medicinal Plants in India and their Conservation--An Ethnobotanical
>Approach / G. V. Gopal
>2. Protection of Indian Traditional Knowledge / T. K. Mukherjee
>3. A Contribution to Some Ethnomedicinally Important Plants of Nepal /
>Priya Ranjan
>4. Medicoethnobotany of Dausa District, Rajasthan, India / Neelu Sharma
>and P. C. Trivedi
>5. Ethno-Veterinary Medicinal Plants in North-West Part of Udaipur
>District (Raj.) / G. S. Deora, G. P. Singh Jhala and M. S. Rathore
>6. Ethnomedico-Botany of Orissa--A Review / Malaya K. Misra
>7. Ethnobotanical Plants of Pachchham Hills of Kutch District, Gujarat,
>India / D. C. Bhatt and P. N. Joshi
>8. Ethno-Medico-Religious Plants of Hadoti Plateau (S. E. Rajasthan) / N.
>K. Sharma
>9. Ethnomedicinal Uses of Plants in the Treatment of Urinary Tract
>Diseases by the Meiteis of Manipur / H. Manoranjan Sharma and A.
>Radhapyari Devi
>10. Medicinal Value of Adansonia digitata L. in Kutch, Gujarat / P. N.
>Joshi, D. C. Bhatt, R. P. Parmar, S. K. Dodia and P. I. Lashkari
>11. Traditional Plant-Based Medicinal System in Health Care During
>Pregnancy and Post Pregnancy / Jyoti Nargas and P. C. Trivedi
>12. Studies on Ethnomedicinal Aspects of Family Asclepiadaceae in Gujarat
>/ K. D. Mitaliya, D. C. Bhatt, R. P. Parmar and S. K. Dodia
>13. Ethnobotany--Green Gold Branch in Botanical Sciences / Jayananda Tosh
>14. Ethno-Phyto-Toxicological Studies in Sidhi District of Madhya Pradesh
>/ D. C. Saini
>15. Modulation of Radiosensitivity by Certain Plants and Plant Products /
>P. K. Goyal
>Prof. Pravin Chandra Trivedi, having worked as a Post-Doctoral Fellow at
>the North Carolina State University, Raleigh, is Professor of Botany at
>the University of Rajasthan, Jaipur. Dr. Trivedi has visited several major
>research Laboratories and U.S.A., Canada, U.K., Germany, The Netherlands,
>Italy, Japan, Denmark, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Singapore,
>Austria and Belgium.
>Dr. N. K. Sharma, M.Sc., Ph.D., F.B.S., Associate Professor, Head, P.G.
>Department of Botany, Government College, Kota, Rajasthan. He began his
>teaching career as Assistant Professor in the Department of Botany,
>University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, in 1971 and then shifted to Government
>service in 1973. Dr. Sharma is an eminent scholar and keen researcher in
>the field of Floristics and Ethnobotany.
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