AW: [MPWG] Can You Help?
Honnef at
Honnef at
Mon Nov 17 00:29:55 CST 2003
Dear Robyn,
the article on Sylphion you mentioned was published in HerbalGram 48 (2000). Sylphion is a good example for a plant that became extinct due to increasing use/trade and press people like the ancient flair of this story. However, it always has the touch of being a legend. I would be very much interested in other examples for plants that became more than scarce by using them for medicinal or nutritional purposes.
Best regards
Susanne Honnef
Species Conservation Section, WWF Germany
TRAFFIC-Europe Germany
Umweltstiftung WWF Deutschland
Rebstoecker Str. 55
D 60326 Frankfurt, Germany
ph:++49 69 79144-212
Fax: ++49 69 617221
mail: honnef at
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: Robyn Klein [SMTP:robyn at]
> Gesendet am: Samstag, 15. November 2003 10:39
> An: mpwg at
> Betreff: Re: [MPWG] Can You Help?
> Yes, I believe the story is retold in perhaps "Eve's Herbs: A History of
> Abortion and Contraception in the West" by John Riddle. And, I think maybe
> an article was written on Silphion in a past issue of HerbalGram. One way
> that historians know about Silphion was that the plant was imprinted on
> coins back before Pliny's day and modern day botanists couldn't find the
> plant.
> Best Regards,
> Robyn Klein
> >This is a great question. I hope to read a lot of answers. The only item
> >I can contribute is silphion which was, as I have read, used as a
> >contraceptive and an abortifacient by the Greek. It was used to such
> >an extent that Pliny the Elder, eventually, reported of its scarcity.
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