[APWG] QUESTION: Chamaecytisus proliferus ssp palmensis (fwd)

Plant Conservation plant at plantconservation.org
Fri Mar 5 09:00:39 CST 2004

Please reply directly to Christian (martinezchrist at aol.com) if you can
help with his questions.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 5 Mar 2004 02:41:03 EST
From: Martinezchrist at aol.com
Subject: (sans sujet)

Dear Sir
I  am particularly interested right now by the invasive capacity of Tagasaste
or Chamaecytisus proliferus ssp palmensis: Do you have any informations about
it and the management of weeds in general? I need to know much more about
biological control with leguminous shrubs.
Thank you for an answer; I look forward to hearing from you

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