[APWG] Re: APWG Digest, Vol 11, Issue 6 (Cancer)

Marc_Albert at nps.gov Marc_Albert at nps.gov
Mon Aug 16 12:07:47 CDT 2004

Re:    1. Exotic Invasive Plants = Cancer? (Craig Dremann)

That is more or less the approach as I read it of Ruiz and Carlton in
"Invasive Species: Vectors and Mangement Strategies" - the vectors are in
this analogy the weakness that we can try to exploit.  Political methods
(e.g. treaties, regulations) may join the more tradional approaches as
tools to combat the spread.

Marc Albert
Natural Resources Management Specialist
NPS Inventory and Monitoring Program
Northeast Coastal and Barrier Network
15 State St., Boston, MA 02109
617-223-5170 (phone) 617-223-5097 (fax)

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