[APWG] Exotic Invasive Plants = Cancer?

SteveYoung at aol.com SteveYoung at aol.com
Mon Aug 16 18:36:05 CDT 2004

Craig, your comment about invasives and cancer and looking for points of  
weakness reminds me of a fantasy I had recently.
We believe one of the reasons for the invasiveness of exotics is that there  
tend not to be insect pests and diseases in their new locales that feed on or  
sicken them. So I was fantasizing about a safe spray that could be used on an 
 invasive plant that would make it "smell or taste" like a yummy native, so 
that  herbivory would be encouraged. Better yet, if the same spray were also  
detrimental to an exotic insect pest, that would be a great twofer.
I know you aren't keen on spraying, but I think there may be some reason  for 
optimism that as more is learned about the exact molecular-level mechanisms  
at work, very carefully targeted and safe mimic compounds could be found.
OK, end of fantasy. Cheers,
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