[SOS-PCA] September SOS Monthly Call Notes

Hill, Sarah E sehill at blm.gov
Fri Sep 6 14:09:43 CDT 2024

Happy September!
Thanks to everyone who joined us at the monthly SOS collector call on Tuesday! Since some crews are starting to wrap up for the season, we spent a good chunk of time going over the data QC process in Geoplatform, and also reviewed a new herbarium label export tool. We recorded that section of the meeting and it is now available in your GeoPlatform help documents, as are several new written guides: a Geoplatform User Guide, SOS Data QC Guide, and directions for herbarium label exports. See the condensed notes about the September call, and let me know if you have any questions. Our next collector call will be Oct 1, 10am MST. See you there!
For the Seeds,
Sarah Hill

National Office Announcements
Third Party Recording/Transcription Prohibited
Reminder that third party recording/transcription of our SOS Monthly calls is not allowed. We want to make sure that meeting participants have the resources they need to have the best information for the collecting season and have a few ways of capturing the meeting information:

We have internally recorded this meeting and are going to be making it available via the GeoPlatform help documents.
We always send out written notes of each meeting via the collector call email list and the SOS list serve, which also has an archive of old notes as well (https://lists.plantconservation.org/pipermail/sos_lists.plantconservation.org/ , accessible from step three on the SOS getting started page).
We will begin recording meeting transcripts which will be included with the summary notes after every meeting.

If there is anything else we can do to make our SOS Collector Call more accessible for you, please let Sarah Hill know.

Onboarding new people or if you were forwarded this meeting notification All those involved in SOS should sign up for the collector call and mailing list to stay up-to-date on program logistics and updates throughout the season. The listserv and collector call list are how we communicate with everyone throughout the season, so it is critical you have signed up through the right channels.

If you are new or are onboarding new people make sure they visit the Getting Started page on the SOS website and sign up for the mailing list, collector calls, training, and GeoPlatform access: https://www.blm.gov/programs/native-plant-communities/native-plant-and-seed-material-development/collection/sos-getting-started

Offboarding / End of season

When you are finished for the season and you have finished reviewing your data (check the QC guide in the GeoPlatform help documents for more info) send your final materials (Annual report, photos, permits) to your agency coordinator for review. Once everything is finalized, people will be removed from their GeoPlatform group.
Review the End of Season Checklist to ensure you have sent everything to the right place!

Submit your forms as soon as possible once you have service!

Please submit your forms even if the collection isn’t completed for the season (You will be revisiting the population to collect more seed, you still need to enter geology info, etc.) so that we can back up the data. If you do not submit your forms, the data only lives on your mobile device and if something was to happen to your device, you would lose all of your data. You can always edit forms on your device (saved in your sent folder) and re-submit them.

Seed cleaning / shipping update

Only ship seed when collection is complete (no more visits to that site). Make sure the box you are sending your seed in has a data sheet, and that the correct collection number is assigned. If you change collection number AFTER you send the seed in, you must contact Sarah Hill so she can update info with the cleaning facility

FILL OUT YOUR SEED TRACKING FORM AS YOU SHIP SEEDS. If you are giving the seed to someone else to ship, make sure they know to fill out the seed tracking form.
IF THEY DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE SEED TRACKING FORM/GEOPLATFORM ACCESS and they will ship it in a few days, you can fill out the form for them. If its going to be more than a few days, they should email Sarah Hill to let her know.

We are working out plans for if we go over our capacity with our current cleaning facilities. Our backup plan might involve storing uncleaned seed at a facility for a period of time. We can triage seed cleaning needs to make sure that anything that would lose viability if not cleaned quickly. If your crew is planning a late season Artemesia or fleshy fruit collection, tell your Agency Coordinator ASAP so we can ensure there is room for those collections to be cleaned quickly.

Current cleaning facility assignments - These could change throughout the fall. FWS teams who have been asked to hold seed should continue to do so until they hear otherwise from Kelly Thomas.
Palmer Plant Materials Center
All Alaska collections
Dorena Genetics Resource Center
All NPS Crews (Crews with collector codes starting with 'NP') Except NPSD00 and NPNM00
Bend Seed Extractory
NPSD00 and NPNM00
All DOI crews (collector codes starting with 'D')
All BLM agency funded teams
All other USFWS teams

New voucher label template export in Survey123!

You can now export your Smithsonian vouchers from Survey123 like you do with your data sheets. You will still need to do some review/editing to complete the labels, but this should save you a significant amount of time. Instructions for creating the labels and a recorded walk through of how to export the labels have been added to your GeoPlatform help documents.

New Data QC Guides and Tutorial in GeoPlatform Help Documents
During the September meeting, we spent a lot of time reviewing the QC process in Geoplatform. This was recorded and has been added to your geoplatform help documents. There are also two new written guides, a GeoPlatform User Guide and a SOS Data QC Guide. Below are some general reminders about data QC, please watch the recording for more detailed information.

The first thing you should do when beginning data QC is to make sure that your lat/long coordinates and location information match your mapped point. If they do not match, follow the flowchart in the Data QC Guide to determine how to edit your data.

Remember that data updates between Survey123 and the Data Management Site only go one way. Anything changed on your mobile device form in Survey123 will update/overwrite data in the data management site. Anything changed in the data management site is not backwards updated to your survey123 forms. If you have started editing in the data management site, continue editing there. If you have not started editing in the data management site, you can update your Survey123 forms on your mobile device.

Common fields to check for data errors
Dates, the second collection date should be after the first collection date
Number of plants sampled from should match in the Viability tab and Collection tab
Number of plants sampled is less than or equal to the number of plants found
Coordinates are entered correctly and match where the point is
Source- if using GeoPlatform point, it is a Geopoint
Associated species does not include the species you collected
If there is no slope, aspect should be flat
Consistent entry “No Voucher” you did not collect a voucher
Rescouting form editing - if you used the rescout hyperlink, there isn't much to review, but this is how you can see the data from your rescouting forms:
Look at the Survey123 app on your device or on your computer. Double check that the scouting ID matches, the correct revisit date is present.
Double check the location of the point and make sure it is in the correct location.

What do I do if I can’t I find my sent Survey123 forms on my device?
When you submit the forms, its stored temporary file on your device and can be found in your sent folder in Survey123. If you cannot find the forms in your sent folder, your device has likely had an organization specific update that has overwritten the temporary files. In this case use data management site to edit and if you need to change the location of your mapped point, email Kristy.

Partner Updates
(Bend Seed Extractory, Dorena Genetic Resource Center, USDA-ARS, Smithsonian)

No updates for the group

Agency Specific Breakout Sessions
BLM breakout session Notes

To help prioritize late season collection cleaning, please let Sarah Hill know via email if you anticipate a crew collecting a fleshy fruit, Artemesia, or a collection that folks will want back for use in early 2025.

USFWS breakout session Notes

For those that haven't already, please send your mid-season team updates as a reply to the email "SOS mid-season check in" Kelly sent on 8/26 as soon as possible. Thanks!

NPS/DOI breakout session Notes

Katie revied the drying/shipping process for NPS and DOI teams being coordinated through Katie. Crews should reach out to her if they have any more specific questions.

For the seeds,


Sarah Hill


Seeds of Success National Curator
Bureau of Land Management - contractor

Currently working from home - contact me for my cell #

Seeds of Success<https://www.blm.gov/programs/natural-resources/native-plant-communities/native-plant-and-seed-material-development/collection>

National Seed Strategy<https://www.blm.gov/programs/natural-resources/native-plant-communities/national-seed-strategy>

Plant Conservation Alliance<https://www.blm.gov/programs/natural-resources/native-plant-communities/national-seed-strategy/pca>

Subscribe to the PCA and SOS listservs<http://lists.plantconservation.org/mailman/listinfo>

Why I list my pronouns<https://pronouns.org/what-and-why>

I respectfully acknowledge that I live and work on the unceded ancestral, traditional and contemporary lands of the Nuwe/Nume (Paiute, Shoshone, Bannock) people, as well as other indigenous tribes who traveled through the area known as Idaho who have stewarded this land throughout the generations.
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