[SOS-PCA] March 2024 collector Call Notes
Hill, Sarah E
sehill at blm.gov
Tue Mar 5 18:14:08 CST 2024
SOS Monthly Collector Call – March 2024
National Office Updates and Announcements
Getting started page is on the website
* https://www.blm.gov/programs/native-plant-communities/native-plant-and-seed-material-development/collection/sos-getting-started
Target Species List
* Send to your agency coordinator by of April
* Estimated collection size is really helpful for planning cleaning
* Template on website
* First Training is Thursday, March 7 – SOS Updates training for people who have done SOS in the past
* March 13/14 Full virtual training
* NTC in person course live in DOI talent, April 30 – May 2
* https://doimspp.sharepoint.com/sites/blm-NTC-Course-and-Training-Information/Announcements/SitePages/Seeds-for-Success,-Seed-Collecting-for-Conservation-and-Restoration---1730-06.aspx?CT=1709579701236&OR=OWA-NT-Mail&CID=a00752cf-00a8-93d5-6a7f-e01af8ea4708
* Non-federal BLM partners, if you are interested in attending, choose the in-person training option on the general SOS training registration and Sarah will follow up
* BLM 4X4 Safe Driving Program eDOIU (external server)<https://edoiu.doi.gov/login/index.php> - highly recommend
* Can be accessed by anyone outside the DOI network, including contractors who do not have access to DOI Talent.
* Create an account in eDOIU
* Access the course by locating it under the Safety Training category
* Took Sarah about an hour to get account approved
Forms and new protocol will be updated by next collector call, will let people know, thank you for your patience
* Updates generally outline interagency collaboration better
* Updated information on team contacts, herbaria, data reporting requirements, digital data access
* New SOS data form, paper scouting form, revised seed order forms, revised herbarium templates, end of season checklist, digital data quick guide
2023 results
* Clarify timeline for 2023 results – won't be available until the summer – if you want to know your results from 2022 and previous, contact me.
* In general, requests for data should go to me and not to bend – we don’t want to inundate them with requests!
* Review who gets access to data – gplat and otherwise
* Restricted to need-to-know basis
* Agency direct support staff (collectors, supervisors, QC support)
* External partners (collectors, supervisors, QC support)
* If you think someone needs access but they don’t fit into those categories, contact your agency coordinator, and they will talk with Sarah and Kristy.
* Note: We redact all data for collections made on tribal lands from the geoplatform. Teams needing access to that information should work directly with the National Office (Sarah and Kristy).
2024 new forms
* Seed tracking form – review where seeds should be sent
* BIL-BAR – Bend
* FWS BIL-ER – Dorena
* BLM and NPS agency collections – TBD, depends on estimated total for collections and when collections will need to be returned for use.
* Non-SOS form
* For groups doing both SOS and non-SOS collections
* We (National Office) will not be doing any QC – it's all up to the collectors and their supervisors. We will just export the data that is there and send it to an appointed person.
* Only for pre-determined non-SOS collection work. Not a substitute for populations that are just too small for SOS
* These are not counted in our cleaning estimates or our agreements with Palmer/Bend/Dorena. The SOS program will not be covering their cost, you must have made prior arrangements for seed to be cleaned outside of the SOS program
Digital Data Section
* Review workflow for preseason groups and tour of how to do it
* You must have a BLM EGIS account or GeoPlatform account
* If you do not see the preseason group, please check that you completed the SOS GPLAT Sign Up Form
* If you cannot edit a form, please check your role in the GPLAT settings. If it is viewer, please email the GIS Analyst your username and ROB form.
* Show where everything is in real time, where the preseason guidance is, workflows, help documents, forms
* Data Management Sites – not ready yet, please be patient with us! New cool tools in development- Demo in Trainings in April Meeting
Partner announcements
* Bend
* not present
* Dorena
* not present
* USDA-ARS Pullman
* not present
* Smithsonian
* No cutoff date for accepting vouchers, if you have old ones that still need to be sent in please do, and follow
* Make sure you have a transmittal letter
* Her emails have been glitchy lately, if she has not responded to you please reach out again
Agency Breakout Sessions
Please look for updated materials on website soon
Send Sarah anticipated number of collections if you haven't yet
* Seed Cleaning: BIL-BAR teams use Bend, all other FWS teams Dorena
* There is a new FWS herbarium label template. This, along with the ‘Getting Started with SOS’ PDF file, can be found on the FWS SOS SharePoint site<https://doimspp.sharepoint.com/:u:/r/sites/fws-FF09A10000-seeds-of-success/SitePages/ProjectHome.aspx?csf=1&web=1&e=t6bs2G>/in the Teams files. Let Kelly (kelly_thomas at fws.gov<mailto:kelly_thomas at fws.gov>) know if you need to be added to this Team or having trouble accessing it.
none submitted
For the seeds,
Sarah Hill
Seeds of Success National Curator
Bureau of Land Management - contractor
Currently working from home - contact me for my cell #
Seeds of Success<https://www.blm.gov/programs/natural-resources/native-plant-communities/native-plant-and-seed-material-development/collection>
National Seed Strategy<https://www.blm.gov/programs/natural-resources/native-plant-communities/national-seed-strategy>
Plant Conservation Alliance<https://www.blm.gov/programs/natural-resources/native-plant-communities/national-seed-strategy/pca>
Subscribe to the PCA and SOS listservs<http://lists.plantconservation.org/mailman/listinfo>
Why I list my pronouns<https://pronouns.org/what-and-why>
I respectfully acknowledge that I live and work on the unceded ancestral, traditional and contemporary lands of the Nuwe/Nume (Paiute, Shoshone, Bannock) people who have stewarded this land throughout the generations.
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