[SOS-PCA] February Call Notes, Getting started with SOS 2024
Hill, Sarah E
sehill at blm.gov
Mon Feb 12 10:52:23 CST 2024
Hello everyone,
The February call notes centered around getting collectors and support staff oriented and outlining the steps to getting started with the collection season. We reviewed how to tie into monthly communications, get signed up for the digital data collection platform, reviewed training dates, and talked about developing target species lists. The pre-season document should be up on our website in the next day or two under "SOS Guides and Training" . Please share this getting started document with all those involved with SOS in 2024, and note that all materials on the website will be updated by the next meeting.
Cheers for now and here's to a great 2024 season!
Getting Started with Seeds of Success 2024
Welcome to the Seeds of Success program! Before the collection season begins, there are several tasks that must be completed to ensure collectors and support staff have access to program communications, training, and data collection tools. Familiarize yourself with the Technical Protocol and other resources on the SOS website, blm.gov/sos<http://blm.gov/sos>, and follow these steps at the beginning of each collection season:
1. Ensure that your agency coordinator knows you are planning on collecting seed and submitting it for cleaning, storage, and tracking through the SOS program.
* Agency Coordinators:
* BLM/National Coordinating Office - Sarah Hill, sehill at blm.gov
* NPS - Katie Vinzant, katharine_vinzant at nps.gov
* USFWS - Kelly Thomas, kelly_thomas at fws.gov
1. Sign up for the monthly SOS collector call. At least one person from every active collection team must attend the meeting. If the meeting falls during a time when the team is in the field, a call-in option is available. Collector calls are the first Tuesday of every month at 12 noon – Eastern, 11 am – Central, 10 am – Mountain, 9 am – Pacific, and 8am – Alaska
* Register for the collector call here: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=pftQAjhAXkuK4lsLQZkvU0BNZz9BFqBFhx5lbfZ1E9BURExIQ0Q3WUZHTVdVSllJUlNHNFc1UU9RNy4u
1. Sign up for the SOS email list. Notes from the collector call and regular communications are sent out over this email list. As a two-way list, you can also post articles, jobs, or questions to the group to try to crowd source solutions to seed collection questions. An archive of previous posts is also available.
* To subscribe to the list visit https://lists.plantconservation.org/mailman/listinfo/sos_lists.plantconservation.org
OR send an e-mail to sos-request at lists.plantconservation.org with the following information in the body of the message (not the subject): SUBSCRIBE
You will then receive an e-mail that you will need to reply to confirm your subscription. After you confirm your subscription, another e-mail will be sent with instructions on how to use the list.
* To view the SOS archives, visit https://lists.plantconservation.org/pipermail/sos_lists.plantconservation.org/
1. Sign up for a training. Collectors and support staff must attend a training session hosted by the SOS National Coordinating Office. As the program has grown over the last few years some program elements have changed and attending a training is the best way to ensure all participants understand the SOS program. Three training types are available from the National Office, additional regional training is encouraged.
* To view available training dates and register, use this form:
* https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=pftQAjhAXkuK4lsLQZkvU0BNZz9BFqBFhx5lbfZ1E9BUNUJPRkM0VjhOWTRBTDEzWlNCR1k4T1k3Wi4u
* Abbreviated Virtual “SOS Updates” training (2.5 Hours), March 7
* For leads and support staff who have participated in SOS in the past. This will provide an overview of the program, outline the digital data collection process in detail, and highlight recent changes to the SOS Protocol.
* Full Virtual Training (2 days), Multiple Dates in 2024
* For collectors and support staff new to seed collection and the SOS program. This training provides an overview of the program, detailed information about planning collections, collecting techniques, post collection drying, storage and shipping, and a full digital data collection training.
* BLM NTC In Person Training (3 days), April 30-May 2, Boise Idaho
* The content of the in-person training mirrors the virtual training option and has opportunities for hands on learning and field experience. This course is free for BLM employees and those under BLM contracts/agreements. There is a fee for outside organizations, including FWS/ NPS employees and partners. All those outside of the BLM will have to arrange their own travel and accommodations. Contact Sarah Hill for more information about registering for this training, sehill at blm.gov.
5. Sign up for the SOS geoplatform group and digital data collection.
As of 2024 all SOS data collection will happen digitally through the SOS geoplatform using Survey123 and Field maps. Access will only be granted for all active 2024 collectors, team managers, and support staff. Users must sign up for access using the link and following the process below. Once they have completed the registration process, users will be added to a testing group, and after successfully completing the preseason points, they will be added to their regions group.
* Signup form: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=pftQAjhAXkuK4lsLQZkvUzbJKUEJ5ddBjBps7FFFuaBUMlBNUDlLWTFTNFlNOE5UWDBOWEZXT0tEOC4u
* Do I need to create a Geoplatform account?
* Registration process:
6. Develop your target species list and send to Sarah Hill at the National Office by April 30. Knowing what species people plan on collecting, and corresponding collection size is an essential tool for the National Office when coordinating seed cleaning.
* Target species list template can be found at the bottom of the sos website, blm.gov/sos, under “Downloads the SOS forms”
* Keep in mind the following weight limits for collections going to the Bend Seed Extractory
* The following genera will be limited to 5 lbs incoming weight:
* Achnatherum – all species other than A. hymenoides, A. lemmonii, A. speciosum
* Aristida – all species
* Chilopsis linearis
* Hespirostipa – all species
* Muhlenbergia – all species
* The follow species will be limited to 10 lbs incoming weight:
* Juniperus – all species
* Prosopsis glandulosa
For the seeds,
Sarah Hill
Seeds of Success National Curator
Bureau of Land Management - contractor
Currently working from home - contact me for my cell #
Seeds of Success<https://www.blm.gov/programs/natural-resources/native-plant-communities/native-plant-and-seed-material-development/collection>
National Seed Strategy<https://www.blm.gov/programs/natural-resources/native-plant-communities/national-seed-strategy>
Plant Conservation Alliance<https://www.blm.gov/programs/natural-resources/native-plant-communities/national-seed-strategy/pca>
Subscribe to the PCA and SOS listservs<http://lists.plantconservation.org/mailman/listinfo>
Why I list my pronouns<https://pronouns.org/what-and-why>
I respectfully acknowledge that I live and work on the unceded ancestral, traditional and contemporary lands of the Nuwe/Nume (Paiute, Shoshone, Bannock) people who have stewarded this land throughout the generations.
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