[SOS-PCA] May SOS Collector Call Notes

Hill, Sarah E sehill at blm.gov
Mon May 8 14:50:27 CDT 2023

Spring greetings! Here are the May 2023 SOS collector call notes. Scouting and even collecting is underway across the country, though a wet and cool spring has also made the season later in some places. We are grateful for all the hard work that our collectors do to gather top notch seed materials, and hope that everyone is enjoying seeing some beautiful country!

General SOS

  *   Target Species lists are DUE!
     *   Send your target list (including estimated lbs of raw material) to your agency coordinator. A template can be found by going to blm.gov/sos and clicking on "Target Species List Template" on the right side of the page under DOWNLOAD THE SOS FORMS.

  *   Call in number is LIVE!
     *   If you are in the field during a scheduled collector call, but can get to a place with cell reception, use the phone number attached to the meeting invite to call in to the meeting. At least one representative from each collection team needs to attend every call to stay up-to-date with program announcements and share their progress.

  *   Virtual training dates
     *    May 17/18, email Sarah Hill at sehill at blm.gov to be added to the register. If you have training needs please let Sarah Hill know ASAP.
        *   All of these trainings are invite only – meant for active collectors and mentors, so please do not share the invitation with anyone outside of your collecting team.
        *   If you have attended a virtual training this year, and you have any feedback please let me know! Or if there is additional training / information that would be helpful for you to do your job – we are compiling ideas for resources and training for the future.

  *   Seed cleaning capacity / Sending seeds for cleaning
     *   SOS seeds will be cleaned at several facilities in 2023. The details are still forthcoming, and teams will be instructed where to send collections once those details are firm. For now, all seed should be sent to the Bend Seed Extractory unless instructed otherwise by your Agency SOS Coordinator. Bend has a limited capacity for 2023. IT IS ESSENTIAL THAT CREWS COMMUNICATE WITH SARAH HILL BEFORE COLLECTIONS ARE SENT TO BEND. This will enable the National Office to gauge where we are with our collection numbers, and allocate cleaning facilities appropriately.


  *   If you do not have GPLAT accounts yet and are planning on using the digital data collection, please email Kristy Snyder, ksnyder at blm.gov for instructions.
  *   Let Kristy know of any glitches or suggested improvements to the digital data collection, we are always open to constructive feedback

SOS Partners

  *   Sarah Garvin / Bend Seed Extractory
     *   You can start sending 2023 collections in for cleaning. BEND ONLY NEEDS AN EMAIL ABOUT AN INCOMING SHIPMENT IF IT IS A FLESHY FRUIT. Sarah Hill / National Coordinating office needs an email for all shipments to track number of collections.
     *   Remember to send the SOS data form with the collection! We require a data sheet for each collection in a box, place them directly on the top.
     *   Reminders of packaging the bags – packing tape along OUTSIDE edges, roll over twice, staple edge.

  *   Erika Gardner / Smithsonian
     *   Follow shipping instructions on the website!
 BLM Breakout Session Notes

  *   If anyone has suggestions on better ways to host interagency SOS collectors call, please let Sarah Hill know, we are open to feedback on new ways of running this call.

FWS Breakout Session Notes

  *   In attendance: Luis Romero, Jonathan Young, Michael Kunz, Melanie Flood, Sarah Kulpa, Marcello, Claire Pittinger, Gwen Wion, Avery S., Lisa G., Phoebe Judge
  *   Thank you to those who turned in your TS lists
  *   New FWS SOS Team/SharePoint- access, chat for quick questions
  *   Voucher specimens, photos, data forms. Will be following up about regional and local herbaria.
  *   Michael P. should have access to the Geoplat group in the next week or so. Any error related to permissions likely associated with remedy ticket. Should clear in the next couple days if ROB form and usernames were submitted.
  *   Data portal logins coming soon- one per team for those NOT using digital data collection (5 for SGI, 1 for SWSP, and 1 for DBG*). *DBG will enter 2022 data into the data portal, NOT the Geoplat.
  *   Feedback from national training. Final trainings May 17th and 18th, June 5th.
  *   Be sure to let us know when you ship seed. Email Sarah Hill and CC Kelly_Thomas at fws.gov, or just email Kelly and she will forward the email.

Happy collecting!

Sarah Hill


Seeds of Success National Curator
Bureau of Land Management - contractor

Currently working from home - contact me for my cell #

Seeds of Success<https://www.blm.gov/programs/natural-resources/native-plant-communities/native-plant-and-seed-material-development/collection>

National Seed Strategy<https://www.blm.gov/programs/natural-resources/native-plant-communities/national-seed-strategy>

Plant Conservation Alliance<https://www.blm.gov/programs/natural-resources/native-plant-communities/national-seed-strategy/pca>

Subscribe to the PCA and SOS listservs<http://lists.plantconservation.org/mailman/listinfo>

Why I list my pronouns<https://pronouns.org/what-and-why>

I respectfully acknowledge that I live and work on the unceded ancestral, traditional and contemporary lands of the Nuwe/Nume (Paiute, Shoshone, Bannock) people who have stewarded this land throughout the generations.
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