[SOS-PCA] First Collectors Call, Tuesday February 2nd

Lindquist, Anna E alindquist at blm.gov
Tue Jan 26 15:58:49 CST 2021

Hi all,

We will have our first SOS call of 2021 next week on Tuesday, February 2nd. This will be a Microsoft Teams call, so please let me know if you need an invitation or the call-in number.

All mentors, team leads, and collectors who will (or may) have an SOS team this year should plan to attend this call, and all calls this season. We will briefly cover 2020 accomplishments, as well as target species lists, trainings, and planning for a successful season.

Please come prepared to share what team you are with, your collector code (if you do not know it, this will be a good time to let me know), your start date for the season, and if you know the estimated number of collections you will be making.

Monthly calls are always the first Tuesday of the month at the following time:

8 AM Alaska
9 AM Pacific
10 AM Mountain
11 AM Central
Noon Eastern

Thanks, looking forward to seeing everyone!

alindquist at blm.gov

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