[SOS-PCA] 2021 Wrap Up

Lindquist, Anna E alindquist at blm.gov
Thu Dec 23 16:21:39 CST 2021

Hi everyone,

My heartfelt thanks for another great season of seed collecting! Most folks sent in their data, documentation, and seeds by the December 15th deadline, which is the best Christmas present I could ask for! But if you have not done so yet, please send them ASAP.

A couple announcements before the new year:

  *   There will be no monthly call in January, but look out for a new Team's invite to the 2022 calls beginning on February 1st.
  *   2022 Training dates are as follows:
     *   February 8-9
     *   April 19-21
     *   May 10-11
  *   The February and May trainings are virtual, while the April is still TBD, but most likely virtual, too, and is through the BLM National Training Center. These trainings are invite only. I will be extending invitations to teams, mentors, field offices, techs, and interns who I know are actively collecting in 2022. Anyone making SOS collections should be trained in the protocol, and all virtual trainings are free. Please contact me directly for more information. Agendas and invitations will be sent out in 2022.

As the days grow longer and sunnier, I hope you all have time to relax, reflect, and share joy with your loved ones!


Anna Lindquist

Seeds of Success National Curator

Bureau of Land Management (Contractor)

Work #: 208-373-3822

Pronouns: she/her/hers

Seeds of Success<https://www.blm.gov/programs/natural-resources/native-plant-communities/native-plant-and-seed-material-development/collection>

National Seed Strategy<https://www.blm.gov/programs/natural-resources/native-plant-communities/national-seed-strategy>

Plant Conservation Alliance<https://www.blm.gov/programs/natural-resources/native-plant-communities/national-seed-strategy/pca>

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