[SOS-PCA] Planting Seeds from Bear Scat Improves Woody Plant Germination

Riibe, Lindsey lriibe at blm.gov
Wed May 10 12:43:16 CDT 2017

Forwarding this message that went out on the Plant Conservation Alliance
listserv. Maybe a new addition to the SOS Technical Protocol?


I thought you would all be interested in this story on Cool Green Science
about how the Rocky Mountain National Park greenhouse is seeing better
outcomes for plants like Oregon grape and chokecherry when they are planted
from bear scat: http://blog.nature.org/science/2017/05/10/what-happens-when-

One exceptionally rich sample produced 1,200 seedlings that will be planted
around the park, especially to re-green disturbed areas.

Full disclosure – I work for the Nature Conservancy. Thank you!


"What’s so funny ‘bout peace, love & understanding?" — Elvis Costello

Lisa Feldkamp

Science Communications

The Nature Conservancy

lfeldkamp at tnc.org
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