[SOS-PCA] Last chance to register: Milkweed Seed Producers Webinar

Lindsey Riibe riibe.lindsey at gmail.com
Wed Mar 29 12:29:59 CDT 2017

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*Ecological Pest Management for Milkweed Seed Producers - Webinar*
Thursday, March 30, 2017 from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM CDT
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*Join here!

*Available March 30th *

You're invited to join a webinar, hosted by Jim Eckberg, Eric Lee-Mäder,
and Thelma Heidel-Baker of the Xerces Society!

Increasing the availability of milkweeds and other wildflower seeds for
restoration plantings is critical to pollinator conservation, but seed
production of such wildflowers can be difficult.

In this webinar, we will describe the pests of milkweeds and present a
model integrated pest management system for milkweeds that promotes
conservation biological control of pests, scouting, and reduced risk
pesticides. We will conclude by discussing the value of partnerships with
the native seed industry for advancing practices for native seed production.

*Please note that you must register TODAY in order to be able to join the
webinar tomorrow. *
*Register Now!

Upon registering, you will be given a phone number option for calling in to
get the audio - this is preferable. Some computers may be prompted to
download a plug-in to facilitate participation. The webinar ID: 495-602-731.

Thank you, and we look forward to you joining us.


Pollinator Program
The Xerces Society
pollinators at xerces.org

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Lindsey Riibe
Plant Conservation Program Assistant
Bureau of Land Management

Seeds of Success
National Seed Strategy
Plant Conservation Alliance

In nature's economy the currency is not money, it is life.    - Vandana
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