[SOS-PCA] SOS Collector's Call & Web Portal Training

Lindsey Riibe riibe.lindsey at gmail.com
Tue Mar 7 11:58:53 CST 2017

The call today will begin with the SOS web portal training (about 20 mins).
This is a brief introduction to creating new accessions and data entry. We
will also go over the EXPORT function which allows you to create Excel
spreadsheets of collections made - much like the reports made by the
National Office.

The collectors' call will be brief. I will send out notes from the call for
those who cannot attend due to the schedule change.
*Please note the call-in number below is different from the usual call-in
number and there will be a WEBINAR. *

Next month's call will be at the regular time with the regular call-in
number. I apologize for the confusion!

2 pm Eastern
1 pm Central
12 noon Mountain
11 am Pacific
10 am Alaska

877-414-1336 <(877)%20414-1336>
Participant passcode: 6177335#

1. Join the meeting by using the following link
2. Enter the required fields.

Meeting Number:  742990168
Meeting Passcode:  meeting
Meeting Host:   PEGGY  OLWELL

3. Indicate that you have read the Privacy Policy.
4. Click on Proceed.

***You may run a temporary application for this webinar*
***Be sure to enter the meeting number and passcode for this conference.
There may be previously stored information in your computer that
automatically populates the fields and can direct you to an alternate

On Thu, Mar 2, 2017 at 1:21 PM, Lindsey Riibe <riibe.lindsey at gmail.com>

> There will be a SOS web portal training (webinar) followed by a SOS
> collector's call on Tuesday March 7th. The training and collector's call
> should take less than 1 hour.
> 2 pm Eastern
> 1 pm Central
> 12 noon Mountain
> 11 am Pacific
> 10 am Alaska
> *CALL-IN:*
> 877-414-1336 <(877)%20414-1336>
> Participant passcode: 6177335#
> 1. Join the meeting by using the following link
> http://www.mymeetings.com/nc/join.php?sigKey=blm&i=742990168&p=meeting&t=c
> 2. Enter the required fields.
> Meeting Number:  742990168
> Meeting Passcode:  meeting
> Meeting Host:   PEGGY  OLWELL
> 3. Indicate that you have read the Privacy Policy.
> 4. Click on Proceed.
> ***You may run a temporary application for this webinar*
> ***Be sure to enter the meeting number and passcode for this conference.
> There may be previously stored information in your computer that
> automatically populates the fields and can direct you to an alternate
> meeting.*
> --
> Lindsey Riibe
> Plant Conservation Program Assistant
> Bureau of Land Management
> Seeds of Success
> <https://www.blm.gov/programs/natural-resources/native-plant-communities/native-plant-and-seed-material-development/collection>
> Plant Conservation Alliance
> <http://www.blm.gov/wo/st/en/prog/more/fish__wildlife_and/plants/pca.htm>

Lindsey Riibe
Plant Conservation Program Assistant
Bureau of Land Management
Seeds of Success
Plant Conservation Alliance
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