[SOS-PCA] March Collectors' Call Notes

Haidet, Margaret (Megan) mahaidet at blm.gov
Fri Mar 11 15:34:33 CST 2016

SOS Call March 1, 2016

There were 31 participants on the call.

A brief note on the purpose of the SOS discussion list: This list is the
primary communication tool for the Seeds of Success native seed collection
program which is led by the Bureau of Land Management. The list provides
regular updates for SOS collectors’ calls, a means of distribution for
collectors’ call notes, as well as job opportunities, news articles and
event announcements related to seed collection, native seed, germplasm
conservation, and Seeds of Success.

*2015 Collections Summary* – SOS National Coordinating Office is in the
process of entering data, cataloging photos and annual reports. More than
1900* (*note this number has been increased from 1600 since our call) seed
collections were made by 40 collection teams in the 2015 season. The Bend
Seed Extractory has processed 1286 of these collections; the remainder are
from non-federal collections and collections made in Alaska, both of which
do not go to Bend. In 2015 there was a huge boost in collections from 3
partners in the mid-Atlantic who are collecting with mitigation funds from
Hurricane Sandy and are collectively called SOS East. An annual report
handout will be created and released once all SOS data has been entered.

*2016 Expectations* – Both new and old collecting teams should be familiar
with the Seeds of Success website (www.blm.gov/sos), the SOS Technical
Protocol, and all associated forms.  A SmugMug website (
http://seedsofsuccess.smugmug.com/) catalogs all SOS photos and is
searchable by keyword. Feel free to use these photos for SOS related

*Targeted Species Lists* - Collection teams are responsible for developing
targeted species lists. Please consider the intended use for your SOS
collections and target species relevant to that purpose. For example, some
teams may target species important for sage-grouse habitat while others are
focused on seed to go into burned area rehabilitation or hurricane recovery
seed mixes. Please send targeted species lists and anticipated number of
collections to Megan Haidet (mahaidet at blm.gov) by April 1st.

*Training Opportunities* – There is an expectation that SOS collection team
leads have completed SOS training. BLM and other SOS team leads may take
the Seed Collection for Conservation and Restoration Course (1730-06)
offered by the BLM. This course is open for registration in DOI Learn (
<http://www.doi.gov/doilearn/index.cfm>). The course will be offered May
17-19, 2016, in Ft. Collins , CO. If you have any questions or need
assistance, please contact Lori Young, Training Coordinator, BLM National
Training Center, 602-906-5640, lyoung at blm.gov.

*Data Entry portal* – Our goal is to capture the data more quickly – in the
long run, this will make for a more efficient program. Hoping to make it
easy and intuitive as possible. Will mimic field data form so if you can
fill out the paper form, you should be fine. Currently fine tuning portal.
Scheduling online training sessions in the coming months.

*Bend Update – *Almost 1300 collections, about 80 left to process, test and
package. They are ahead of schedule – anticipated completion date of April
1. Contact megan if you are interested in test results.

*Smithsonian Update* - Meghann Toner is the primary contact at the National
Herbarium at the Smithsonian National Museum for Natural History for all
SOS collections (tonerm at si.edu). Please be sure to include appropriate
paperwork (transmittal notice, labels). Vouchers should be unmounted and
data sheets do not need to be sent.  Vouchers 11 ½ x 16 1/2. Please include
a label for each collection. Include one transmittal form for each box.
Specific to federal institution or NGO.

*Follow up for collection teams:*

Send targeted species list

Send expected number of collections for 2016

*Next call: Tuesday, April 2, 2016*

Megan Haidet
Seeds of Success
National Collection Curator
Seeds of Success

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