[SOS-PCA] SOS June Call Notes

Haidet, Margaret (Megan) mahaidet at blm.gov
Fri Jun 24 12:19:28 CDT 2016

*SOS Collectors' Call Notes *
*June 21, 2016*

*Update from Bend: *

Their seed cleaning crew will start in 2 weeks. They have received about 90
seed lots. Many bags not folded over enough and sealed well. *Please fold
paper bags 2-3 times and seal with packing tape or binder clips. Note
scotch tape will not hold through shipping*. They appreciate hearing from
collectors when seed is on its way. Double bagging seed is not necessary.
Instead it is best to tape outside bottom and corners of paper bag if you
concerned about seed loss.

We will work with Bend to get a list of unclean weight/lb.and resulting
clean seed count so collectors can have an estimate for yield.

*Update on Data Portal:*

Stay tuned this summer for an webinar training opportunities. Once the
portal is live, we will expect that all teams enter their own data directly
into the portal In the meantime, *don't forget to use the most up to date
data sheet from the SOS website.*

*SOS on Social Media:*

Instagram and Twitter are all the rage so why not grow the SOS social media
presence? We're collecting ideas for official SOS hashtags. Take a look at
the existing options out there (hint: #seedsofsuccess is not a great
choice) and feel free to send me your ideas. Some early ideas include:
#SOSseedcollector    #itstartswithaseed   #BLMseeds  We'll discuss this
again in July.

Next Call: Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Megan Haidet
Seeds of Success
National Collection Curator

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