[SOS-PCA] Name To Use When Sending Specimens to US

Toner, Meghann S. TonerM at si.edu
Wed Jul 13 14:36:09 CDT 2016

Hi Everyone,

When sending boxes of vouchers to the US National Herbarium please address them to Meghann Toner.   As many of you know Andrew Clark has left the US National Herbarium to work for the USDA, and our mailroom may accidently direct packages address to him back to your institution.  Please met know if you have any questions or issues when mailing us a box.

Thank you so much and good luck collecting!

Museum Specialist
U.S National Herbarium
Department of Botany
Smithsonian Institution
MRC 166
PO BOX 37012
Washington DC 20013-7012
Phone: (202) 633-0904

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