[SOS-PCA] Seed Banks: Re-sowing paradise

Lindsey Riibe riibe.lindsey at gmail.com
Wed Dec 21 15:11:49 CST 2016

*Seed Banks: Re-sowing paradise* is an hour long radio documentary by CBC
Radio on both the cultural history of seed banks and their importance in
the face of climate change and loss of biodiversity.

You can listen to the full episode here

Most interesting to me is the Sisters of Providence Heirloom Seed Sanctuary
in Kingston, Ont., run by nuns. "It's interesting that nuns have
traditionally been focused on saving the poor, but now it's the Earth
itself that is considered poor," notes Zytaruk. "These nuns call themselves
eco-feminists and in their view they are the stewards of these seeds."

Here is a short article about the radio documentary producer, Maria Zytaruk
's research.

Lindsey Riibe
Plant Conservation Program Assistant
Bureau of Land Management
Plant Conservation Alliance
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