[SOS-PCA] SOS Call Notes: Feb. 3, 2014

Haidet, Margaret (Megan) mahaidet at blm.gov
Wed Feb 11 15:07:09 CST 2015

SOS Collectors' Call Notes

February 3, 2014

There were 26 participants on the call.

A brief note on the purpose of the SOS discussion list: This list is the
primary communication tool for the Seeds of Success native seed collection
program which is led by the Bureau of Land Management. The list provides
regular updates for SOS collectors’ calls, a means of distribution for call
notes, as well as job opportunities, news articles and event announcements
related to seed collection, native seed, germplasm conservation, and Seeds
of Success.

*2014 Collections Summary* – SOS is in the process of entering data,
cataloging photos and annual reports. Approximately 1500 seed collections
were made by more than 40 collection teams in the 2014 season. The Bend
Seed Extractory has processed about 1200 of these collections; the
remainder are from non-federal collections and collections made in Alaska,
both of which do not go to Bend. A full annual report will be created and
released once all SOS data has been entered.

*2015 Expectations* – Both new and old collecting teams should be familiar
with the Seeds of Success website (www.blm.gov/sos), the SOS Technical
Protocol, and all associated forms. A SmugMug website (
http://seedsofsuccess.smugmug.com/) catalogs all SOS photos and is
searchable by keyword. Feel free to use these photos for SOS related

*Targeted Species Lists* - Collection teams are responsible for developing
targeted species lists. Please consider the intended use for your SOS
collections and target species relevant to that purpose. For example, some
teams may target species important for sage-grouse habitat while others are
focused on seed to go into burned area rehabilitation or hurricane recovery
seed mixes. Please send targeted species lists and anticipated number of
collections to Megan Haidet (mahaidet at blm.gov) by April 1st.

*Training Opportunities* – There is an expectation that SOS collection team
leads have completed SOS training. BLM and other SOS team leads may take
the Seed Collection for Conservation and Restoration Course (1730-06)
offered by the BLM. This course is open for registration in DOI Learn (
<http://www.doi.gov/doilearn/index.cfm>). The course will be offered May
12-14, 2015, with an optional field trip offered on May 15, in Folsom,
CA. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact Lori
Young, Training Coordinator, BLM National Training Center, 602-906-5640,
lyoung at blm.gov.

There will be a training for participants engaged in the SOS East project
the week of June 1st.

SOS interns working through the Chicago Botanic Garden's Conservation and
Land Management Internship program will be trained the week of June 8th.

*Smithsonian Update* - Meghann Toner is the primary contact at the National
Herbarium at the Smithsonian National Museum for Natural History for all
SOS collections (tonerm at si.edu). Please be sure to include appropriate
paperwork (transmittal notice, labels). Vouchers should be unmounted and
data sheets do not need to be sent with voucher specimens.

*National Native Seed Conference - *April 14-16; Santa Fe, NM. Registration
is open and a preliminary program is available at http://nativeseed.info/.

*Online Data Entry Portal - *The developers are trying to get this up and
running for the 2015 collection season. There will an expectation that
collection teams enter their own data in through the portal so please plan
for this throughout the season. There will be webinars to train folks in
using the data entry portal. Stay posted . . .
The next call will be Tuesday, March 3rd.

Megan Haidet
Seeds of Success
National Collection Curator
Seeds of Success

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