[SOS-PCA] SOS conference call notes

MAHaidet at blm.gov MAHaidet at blm.gov
Tue Jan 11 11:11:09 CST 2011

SOS Conference call notes from 1.4.11

There were 25 attendees on the call.

Data sheets, annual report and photos for the 2010 season are due to
National Office ASAP

      You may email or send hard copies of materials. FedEx or UPS
materials should be shipped to the address below.
      Megan Haidet
      Bureau of Land Management
      Div. of Fish, Wildlife & Plant Conservation
      1620 L Street NW Room 204
      Washington, DC  20036

      An annual report template and example are attached.

SPACE STILL AVAILABLE: Seed Collection for Restoration and Conservation
(NTC Course 1730-06) - April 12-14th, Phoenix, AZ @ Desert Botanical Garden

      This 2.5 day course is designed for botanists, biologists,
technicians, ecologists, range management specialists and others with a
responsibility or interest in using native seed       for restoration
purposes.  This course will provide participants with the tools to know
how, when and why to collect seeds which may be used to establish seed
collections for   restoration or long-term storage.

      Note:  An e-mail notice that a participant has been waitlisted does
not mean the course is full - it is simply a way to manage the roster.

      Please contact Lori Young, course coordinator (602-906-5640), if you
have any questions.

The Conservation Land Management Internship program is accepting applicants
and mentors looking for interns

      For more information visit the CLM website at:

Dates for the Grand Canyon training for Conservation Land Management (CLM)
interns are June 27- July 1

Save the date: The next call will be 2.1.11

(See attached file: Seeds of Success Annual Report Template.doc)(See
attached file: CA330 2010 Annual Report.docx)

Megan Haidet
National Collection Curator
Seeds of Success
Bureau of Land Management
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