[SOS-PCA] question about white fiesta flower seeds and a wonder about miners lettuce seed

Bruce_Delgado at blm.gov Bruce_Delgado at blm.gov
Tue Jun 1 11:14:45 CDT 2010

Has anyone out there observed before how many seeds they are getting from
white fiesta flower?
We are collecting white fiesta flower (Pholostima membranaceum) fruits at
Fort Ord in central California for SOS and are surprised to find it appears
some fruits have only one large seed and others have up to 3 smaller seeds.
This matters because we are trying to determine how many fruits to collect
for our goal of 20,000 seeds.
We'd apprecation feedback from anyone with previous experience with this
species to know if this is standard for this species. Thank you.

We are in awe of observing that miners lettuce fruits eject their seeds up
to 8 feet or more!
SOS intern Rose Ashbach laid out a bunch of miners lettuce (Claytonia
perfoliata) fruits to dry on our conference room table for our SOS
collection and the next day their shiny black seeds were scattered all over
the table and the carpeted floors up to the walls of the room. So we
covered the fruits to stop further seed missiles but were amazed at the
capacity miners lettuce has to disperse its seed via ejection away from the
mother plant.

life is cool,
Bruce Delgado

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