[SOS-PCA] Fw: Restoration of Disturbed Sites with Native Plants - Wenatchee 6/14-17

Mary_Byrne at blm.gov Mary_Byrne at blm.gov
Thu Apr 29 10:49:39 CDT 2010

Sorry about the cross-postings, but this looks good!

Mary K. Byrne
National Collection Curator
Seeds of Success
Bureau of Land Management
----- Forwarded by Mary Byrne/WO/BLM/DOI on 04/29/2010 11:49 AM -----
             Nancy L Shaw                                                  
             <nshaw at fs.fed.us>                                             
             04/28/2010 09:13          Erin Denney <edenney at fs.fed.us>     
             AM                                                         cc 
                                       Fw: Restoration of Disturbed Sites  
                                       with Native Plants - Wenatchee      

Nancy L. Shaw
Research Botanist
USDA Forest Service
Rocky Mountain Research Station
322 E. Front Street, Suite 401
Boise, Idaho 83702
208.373.4360; FAX 208.373.4391
----- Forwarded by Nancy L Shaw/RMRS/USDAFS on 04/28/2010 07:13 AM -----
                 pdl r6 nr forest botanists at FSNOTES, Betsy H               
 04/27/2010      Kaiser/R6/USDAFS at FSNOTES, Carol Aubry/R6/USDAFS at FSNOTES,  
 07:52 PM        David C Powell/R6/USDAFS at FSNOTES, Donna                   
                 Stubbs/R6/USDAFS at FSNOTES, Karen                           
                 Prudhomme/R6/USDAFS at FSNOTES, Michael L                    
                 Tatum/R6/USDAFS at FSNOTES, Robin Z Shoal/R6/USDAFS at FSNOTES, 
                 Tom DeSpain/R6/USDAFS at FSNOTES, Victoria A                 
                 Rockwell/R6/USDAFS at FSNOTES, Nancy                         
                 Lankford/R6/USDAFS at FSNOTES, Eric S                        
                 Baxter/R6/USDAFS at FSNOTES, Nancy L                         
                 Shaw/RMRS/USDAFS at FSNOTES, Larry                           
                 Stritch/WO/USDAFS at FSNOTES, Peggy_Olwell at blm.gov, Rob      
                 Fiegener <rob at appliedeco.org>, Sarah_Wynn at nps.gov, pdl r6 
                 forest silviculturists at FSNOTES, pdl r6 forest             
                 hydrologists at FSNOTES, pdl r6 forest invasive plant        
                 coordinators at FSNOTES, pdl r6 fish biologist at FSNOTES, pdl  
                 r6 eng program engineers at FSNOTES                          
                 Restoration of Disturbed Sites with Native Plants -       
                 Wenatchee 6/14-17                                         

Please circulate widely...agenda and registration information for new
offering of integrated revegetation training in Wenatchee, WA, 6/14-17,
2010.   There are still slots available, but registration is limited....
Call/email if you have questions.  thanks.

Vicky J. Erickson
Geneticist/Native Plant Program Manager
Pacific Northwest Region, R-6
U.S. Forest Service
Phone: 541-278-3715; cell: 541-969-7684
email: verickson at fs.fed.us
http://fsweb.r6.fs.fed.us/nr/native-plants/(See attached file: Wenatchee
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