[SOS-PCA] Reminder: Collectors' Call June 2, new time

Mary_Byrne at blm.gov Mary_Byrne at blm.gov
Thu May 28 13:38:24 CDT 2009


The SOS website has just been updated to reflect target list changes.
Restoration lists are still coming on-line.

Agenda Items
SOS Meeting July 23-24th
Additional SOS Collectors in 2010
Web Updates
Clearance Form for Shipments to Bend
Thurber's Needlegrass
NFWF Grant: Mapping Native Seed Collections
NFWF - PCA's Native Plant Conservation Initiative Grant Program
CLM Training
Time Change
Round Robin

New Time!
Eastern - Noon
Central - 11 am
Mountain - 10 am
Pacific - 9 am
Alaska - 8 am

Call or e-mail if you need the number and passcode.


Mary K. Byrne
Seeds of Success
Bureau of Land Management

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