[SOS-PCA] Fw: Reid Thanks BLM For Moving Ahead With Seed Warehouse

Mary_Byrne at blm.gov Mary_Byrne at blm.gov
Wed Dec 9 08:33:12 CST 2009


Mary K. Byrne
National Collection Curator
Seeds of Success
Bureau of Land Management
----- Forwarded by Mary Byrne/WO/BLM/DOI on 12/09/2009 09:32 AM -----
             12/08/2009 10:55          WO-230                              
             AM                                                         cc 
                                       Fw: Reid Thanks BLM For Moving      
                                       Ahead With Seed Warehouse           

----- Forwarded by Olivia Kwong/WO/BLM/DOI on 12/08/2009 10:54 AM -----
             Rob Fiegener                                                  
             <rob at appliedeco.o                                             
             12/07/2009 06:46                                              


Reid Thanks BLM For Moving Ahead With Seed Warehouse

Facility crucial for restoring wildlife habitat across Nevada

December 1, 2009

Washington, D.C. – Nevada Senator Harry Reid today made the following
statement on the Bureau of Land Management’s process of constructing a
regional seed warehouse in Ely.

“Nevada has faced some tremendous fires in recent years.  These burns have
destroyed critical sage grouse and mule deer habitat and allowed invasive
weeds to spread.  It is essential that we get a better handle on large
fires and that we aggressively tend to our public lands once fires are put
out.  That is why I asked then-Secretary of Interior Dirk Kempthorne to put
a major seed facility in Nevada.  The Bureau of Land Management is now
moving ahead with the planning and construction of a 1 million pound seed
warehouse in Ely.  This new facility will give land managers ready access
to the native seed supplies they need to restore and protect rangelands and
vital wildlife habitat across the state.  I thank the BLM for their hard
work in moving this process along.”

                                   # # #

Rob Fiegener
Native Seed Network
Institute for Applied Ecology
541.753.3099 x201
National Native Seed Conference
Snowbird, Utah May 17-21, 2010
Information: www.nativeseed.info

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