[SOS-PCA] Fw: GBNPSIP Annual Meeting + Colorado Plateau

Mary_Byrne at blm.gov Mary_Byrne at blm.gov
Mon Dec 7 18:32:25 CST 2009

FYI - sorry about the cross-posting!

See below and the attached document.


Mary K. Byrne
National Collection Curator
Seeds of Success
Bureau of Land Management
----- Forwarded by Mary Byrne/WO/BLM/DOI on 12/07/2009 07:31 PM -----
             Nancy L Shaw                                                  
             <nshaw at fs.fed.us>                                             
             11/24/2009 06:27          robert.cox at ttu.edu,                 
             PM                        eleger at cabnr.unr.edu,               
                                       Mserpe at boisestate.edu,              
                                       alisonwhittaker at utah.gov,           
                                       clare.poulsen at oregonstate.edu,      
                                       Wayne_Padgett at blm.gov,              
                                       Nora_DeVoe at blm.gov,                 
                                       eric.eldredge at nv.usda.gov,          
                                       Tom.Monaco at ars.usda.gov,            
                                       Michael_Pellant at blm.gov,            
                                       mary_byrne at blm.gov,                 
                                       Peggy_Olwell at blm.gov,               
                                       Brad_Geary at byu.edu,                 
                                       asdavis at uidaho.edu,                 
                                       dannysummers at utah.gov,              
                                       joey.ishida at oregonstate.edu,        
                                       Jim.Cane at ARS.USDA.GOV,              
                                       Loren.Stjohn at id.usda.gov,           
                                       dan.ogle at id.usda.gov,               
                                       berta.youtie at oregonstate.edu,       
                                       jasonvernon at utah.gov,               
                                       Val_Anderson at byu.edu,               
                                       Truax1 at qwestoffice.net,             
                                       Bruce_Roundy at byu.edu,               
                                       sayoung at mendel.usu.edu,             
                                       Scott_Lambert at blm.gov, Scott L      
                                       Jensen <sljensen at fs.fed.us>, Nancy  
                                       L Shaw <nshaw at fs.fed.us>, Kas       
                                       Dumroese <kdumroese at fs.fed.us>,     
                                       doug.johnson at ars.usda.gov,          
                                       bob.hammon at mesacounty.us,           
                                       theresemeyer at utah.gov,              
                                       vvankus at fs.fed.us,                  
                                       rkarrfalt at fs.fed.us,                
                                       bhellier at mail.wsu.edu,              
                                       rcjohnson at wsu.edu,                  
                                       Clinton.Shock at oregonstate.edu,      
                                       jane.mangold at montana.edu,           
                                       brad_jessop at blm.gov,                
                                       michaelb at mendel.usu.edu,            
                                       corey.ransom at usu.edu,               
                                       Corey.Moffet at ars.usda.gov,          
                                       mcadook at unce.unr.edu, Matthew Fisk  
                                       <mfisk at fs.fed.us>, Nicholas D       
                                       Williams <ndwilliams at fs.fed.us>,    
                                       Jan E Gurr <jgurr at fs.fed.us>,       
                                       kanderson at cc.usu.edu,               
                                       shaun.bushman at ars.usda.gov,         
                                       heidi.kratsch at usu.edu, Lisa S       
                                       <loutka-perkins at fs.fed.us>          
                                       GBNPSIP Annual Meeting + Colorado   


Attached is a flyer announcing our GBNPSIP 2010 meeting in Salt Lake on
January 26-27, 2010.  Colorado Plateau folks will be attending as well and
contributing a some fine presentations.  An agenda will be sent out later -
we are waiting on a few titles for talks(!).

Some items:

1.  Please register with Erin Denney if you plan to attend.  If you need
lodging, there is a block of rooms at the Hyatt and they also offer a
government rate.  We have learned that the Sundance Film Festival is the
same week, so it will probably be wise to make reservations early.

2.  We will have a power point projector and screen.   There will be
limited wall space available for posters.  Let Erin know if you need
additional AV equipment and register for poster space by sending her your
poster title.

3.  Annual reports for the GBNPSIP are due on January 29.   The format is
similar to that used in previous years.

Thanks and Happy Holidays.

Nancy L. Shaw
Research Botanist
USDA Forest Service
Rocky Mountain Research Station
322 E. Front Street, Suite 401
Boise, Idaho 83702
208.373.4360; FAX 208.373.4391
http://www.fs.fed.us/rm/boise/research/shrub/greatbasin.shtml(See attached
file: GBNPSIP CPNPI flyer salt lake 2010.pdf)(See attached file: 2009
Progress Report format.doc)
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