[SOS-PCA] Fw: seeking interns for seed collection and other conservation initiatives on public lands

Mary_Byrne at blm.gov Mary_Byrne at blm.gov
Mon May 12 12:45:16 CDT 2008

FYI - Please distribute far and wide.

Mary K. Byrne
Seeds of Success
National Collections Data Manager
----- Forwarded by Mary Byrne/WO/BLM/DOI on 05/12/2008 01:43 PM -----
             "Kay Havens"                                                  
             <KHAVENS at chicagob                                             
             otanic.org>                                                To 
                                       "olivia kwong"                      
             05/12/2008 11:52          <olivia_kwong at blm.gov>,             
             AM                        <Mary_Byrne at blm.gov>,               
                                       <peggy_olwell at blm.gov>              
                                       FW: seeking interns for seed        
                                       collection and other conservation   
                                       initiatives on public lands         

We are still seeking interns for our Conservation and Land Management
Intern Program, particularly for internships involving seed collection.
I’ve attached a link about the program (
http://www.chicagobotanic.org/research/training/clm_internship/) and an
advertisement.  Please forward to your membership or post as you see
Thanks, Kayri Havens

Kayri Havens, Ph.D.
Medard and Elizabeth Welch Director
Division of Plant Science and Conservation
Senior Scientist
Chicago Botanic Garden
1000 Lake Cook Road
Glencoe, IL  60022
tel: 847-835-8378
khavens at chicagobotanic.org

 (See attached file: PLEASE POST-CLM (2).doc)
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