[SOS-PCA] Seed Production Research Symposium

Mary_Byrne at blm.gov Mary_Byrne at blm.gov
Fri Jun 1 09:10:24 CDT 2007

National Native Wildflower Seed Production Research Symposium July
19-20, Leu Gardens, Orlando, FL

Less than 1 month remains to register for this national research
symposium http://www.wildflowersymposium.com that is intended for the
first time to bring together researchers and growers from across the
country to talk about seed production of regionally adapted species of
native wildflowers. This symposium is a unique opportunity for both
researchers and growers. Researchers will have the opportunity to gain
information that is pertinent to their work and make contacts that could
facilitate procurement of extramural funds for mulitdisciplinary
projects.  Growers will be able to learn about the latest research that
could improve yields and increase revenue.

Registration and lodging details are at the end of this announcement.

Topics to be addressed are genetics, cultural practices, pollination,
harvesting, conditioning, storage, and wild-collected seed:

Kayri Havens (Keynote Speaker)      Genetic considerations for native
plant materials development
Brad St. Clair                                  Seed zones for
maintaining adapted plant populations
David Czarnecki                             Genetic diversity of
natural/seed production populations of Coreopsis leavenworthii
Danny Gustafson                            Molecular ecology study of
purple prairie clover in Illinois
Durant McAuthur                           Genetic considerations for
wildland forb and shrub restoration plantings
(see also, Amy Bartow below)

Cultural Practices
Clint Shock                                    Subsurface drip
irrigation for seed production of intermountain forbs
Robert Hammon                             Identifying management
strategies for pests affecting native plant seed production
Jeff Norcini                                     Effect of fertilization
on seed production of Florida ecotypes of Coreopsis
Jessica Wiese                               Establishment and seed
production of native forbs used in restoration
Robert Johnson                              Cultural practices
(watering, spacing, mulch, pest control) for western wildflower seed
John Lloyd-Reilly                           The logistics in seed
production for south Texas ecotypic releases
(Shelly Maher)

Harvesting / Conditioning
Amy Bartow                                  Harvesting to maximize
genetic diversity in native wildflower crops
Jill Barbour                                    Seed conditioning of
southeastern native forbs
Bob Karrfalt                                   Seed cleaning research on
Great Basin forbs

Susan Stieve                                  Controlled pollination in
wildflower seed production
Katie Swoboda                               Selecting and evaluating bee
pollinators for restoration seed production:  the example of
                                                     Osmia spp.
(Hyenoptera: Megachilidae) and Hedysarum boreale Nutt. (Fabaceae)

Christina Walters                            Seed storage behavior of US
Ed Guerrant                                   Seed germination of native
plants from the Intermountain West: before and after storage

Wild-collected seed
Scott Jensen                                  Wildland seed harvesting
in the Great Basin: essentials to complexities
Richard Johnson                            Collection, conservation and
seed zones for tapertip onion (Allium acuminatum Hook.)
Mark Feily                                     Field production vs.
wild-collection and why we do it, an eastern U.S. perspective
Calvin Ernst                                   Harvesting, conditioning,
and wild collection of native forbs

Registration Deadline: June 29 (no on-site registration, and space is
limited); $150 (reg. fee includes 2 lunches, bus transportation to/from
Leu Gardens, and admission fee to Leu Gardens)

Host Hotel: Homewood Suites ($89/night; King Suite; includes full
breakfast and high speed internet)

Symposium web site: http://www.wildflowersymposium.com

Please feel free to post this announcement on other lists.

Questions? Contact Jeff Norcini (wldflowr at ufl.edu; 850-875-7160)

Mary K. Byrne
Seeds of Success
National Collections Data Manager

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