[SOS-PCA] Target Lists

Mary_Byrne at blm.gov Mary_Byrne at blm.gov
Tue Jul 24 10:34:59 CDT 2007


Attached is a list of species with restoration potential and BLM interest.
Please review this list, it may look familiar.

BLM Teams:
The species in blue have already been sent to the MSB, but more collections
are needed for research - perfect collections to send to Bend! If you are
finding that your original target list of species for the MSB is not going
to be met due to environmental conditions, this list should serve as a
solid back-up plan.

All Teams:
Please continue to send me your SOS field data forms as collections are
made throughout the season.

Many thanks,

(See attached file: Species - potential restoration value.xls)

Mary K. Byrne
Seeds of Success
National Collections Data Manager
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