[SOS-PCA] Annual Reports and Data Forms

Mary_Byrne at blm.gov Mary_Byrne at blm.gov
Thu Dec 20 13:50:19 CST 2007


>From preliminary estimates, it looks like Seeds of Success made close to
600 collections this year, despite droughts and fires.  After the final
2007 numbers are in, SOS will have close to 5000 native seed collections in
its inventory.

2006 was the first year for a SOS Annual Report, and it was a place to
start. This year we are hoping to get a lot more information into the
report about all the research and restoration projects Seeds of Success
material is being used in, as well as a brief season summary from each
team. Attached is a template for you to use for your team's 2007 annual
report. The team reports will be compiled and edited to make up the
national 2007 SOS Annual Report.

Please submit your data sheets and annual reports no later than January 11,

Thanks for another great collecting season!

Happy Holidays,

(See attached file: Seeds of Success Annual Report Template.doc)

Mary K. Byrne
Seeds of Success
National Collections Data Manager
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