[SOS-PCA] Fw: Native Wildflower Seed Prod Research Symposium - Abs, PPTs, and Exec Summs.

Mary_Byrne at blm.gov Mary_Byrne at blm.gov
Thu Aug 2 11:59:46 CDT 2007

Please see Jeff Norcini's message below. This was a wonderful symposium for
anyone interested in native seed production.


Mary K. Byrne
Seeds of Success
National Collections Data Manager
----- Forwarded by Mary Byrne/WO/BLM/DOI on 08/02/2007 12:55 PM -----
             "Norcini, Jeffrey                                             
             <wldflowr at ufl.edu                                          To 
             08/02/2007 12:22                                              
             PM                                                    Subject 
                                       Native Wildflower Seed Prod         
                                       Research Symposium - Abs, PPTs, and 
                                       Exec Summs.                         

Information about the July 2007 Native Wildflower Seed Production Research
Symposium is now posted at


I am in the process of posting PPTs (“view only” PDF; Adobe Acrobat 6.0 and
later) first, and then Exec. Summaries (PDF).

All abstracts are within the Program Booklet, which has been posted.



University of Florida/IFAS

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