[SOS] WEB: SOS Website Changes & Updates

Plant Conservation plant at plantconservation.org
Tue Sep 9 13:35:57 CDT 2003

Hi everyone,

As this is the first message on this list, I'd like to welcome you all and
encourage everyone to use this list for everything from discussing
questions to sharing collection tips with everyone.  Please spread the
word about the list to other participants in the Seeds of Success Project
because everyone is welcome to join.

Last week on Friday, I uploaded some changes to the SOS website which is
located at http://www.nps.gov/plants/sos/.  The changes (for the better!)

     - a separate page with a list of the downloadable forms to make it
       less confusing
     - new, expanded introductory text on the main page
     - a page with information for this e-mail list
     - minor updates to the protocol and the addition of a few frequently
       asked collecting questions as an appendix
     - a short blurb on the protocol page mentioning our intention of
       revising the protocol to reflect use by partners other than the
       Bureau of Land Management

In the works is a more comprehensive set of Frequently Asked Questions.
If you have suggestions for questions that should be included in the FAQ
or information that should be included in the Protocol, please send me a
note.  We're also looking for photos of people working on Seeds of Success
for use in a photo gallery.  Let me know if you have any and I'll tell you
how to get them to me.  We'd like the website to be useful for all the
partners, so if you have ideas on this, just send me a note with your


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