[PCA] Seed User Needs in NM/AZ/TX-seeing input

Thomas, Kelly M kelly_thomas at fws.gov
Thu Oct 19 09:37:00 CDT 2023

What: Southwest Region Native Seed User inquiry developed by the Southwest Seed Partnership (SWSP).

Who: Input is sought from ​**NON-FEDERAL or FEDERAL entities** that contribute to the local plant material supply chain in New Mexico, Arizona, or Texas.

Purpose: 1) identify priority areas for Southwest seed users and growers related to seed demand and use, 2) inform SWSP objectives for the next five years based on highest needs, 3) improve our understanding of the seed demand and seed market in the Southwest, 4) identify what are the gaps in the seed market and greatest needs, 5) identify who are the major players in the seed market in the Southwest, both seed users and seed producers, and 6) evaluate the importance of seed quality and availability of that information.

Time to complete: This exercise contains 35 questions and takes approximately 15 minutes to complete.

Provide your input here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/SWSPPCA
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