[PCA] Join Team Buckwheat to save Tiehm's Buckwheat

Naomi Fraga nfraga at calbg.org
Wed Jul 8 12:16:50 CDT 2020

Dear Plant Lover's and Colleagues,

I am writing to ask for a show of support regarding an urgent plant
conservation issue. Tiehm's buckwheat (*Eriogonum tiehmii*) is a narrow
endemic restricted to just 10 acres in western Nevada. It faces an imminent
threat of extinction due to a proposed open pit lithium mine. The threat is
urgent, but we have an opportunity to show support for its protection. Will
you please join me?

I along with the Center for Biological Diversity submitted a petition to
the State of Nevada to protect Tiehm's buckwheat as an endangered species
under state law. We also submitted a petition to the USFWS which is pending

Here is a link to a facts sheet on Tiehm's buckwheat for your review. As
you can see, this is an acute and dire threat, and full protection is

*I urge you to sign the letter from scientists supporting protection of
this species*. A strong showing of support from the scientific
community will help ensure this species gets protection. You can sign onto
the letter using this google form.

The Nevada Department of Conservation and Natural Resources is also holding
a virtual public meeting on Tiehm's buckwheat Monday, July 20th, 9:00am
Pacific Time
To Join: https://call.lifesizecloud.com/4236997 Or, call in by phone: (877)
422-8614, Meeting extension: 4236997#
Please RSVP using this form if you can join the meeting:

We are in the midst of a climate and extinction crisis. Our climate
solutions cannot come at the sacrifice of biodiversity.  Please join me to
give Tiehm's buckwheat a voice.

Please pass along this message to other interested scientists.

Thank you!

Naomi S. Fraga, Ph.D. (Director of Conservation Programs) • nfraga at calbg.org
Phone (909) 625-8767 ext. 231  •  Fax (909) 626-7670
California Botanic Garden (formerly Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden)
1500 N. College Avenue, Claremont, CA 91711
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