[PCA] FW: U.S. Botanic Garden Business Operations Manager

Mims, Ray rmims at aoc.gov
Mon Jan 6 07:07:34 CST 2020


The United States Botanic Garden is looking for an experienced Business Operations Manager to join the team in Washington, D.C.  The selectee will proivde essential business services and management leadership related to procurement, budget, material management, human capital management, and strategic planning in support of the goals and operations of the USBG. The selectee will also serve on the USBG's senior management team, contributing to all aspects of the organization's operations.

The U.S. Botanic Garden (USBG) is comprised of approximately 70 positions organized into Administrative Services Division, Public Programs Division, Horticulture Division and an Operations Division. The USBG is dedicated to demonstrating the aesthetic, cultural, economic, therapeutic and ecological importance of plants to the well-being of humans. To meet this mission, the USBG provides memorable, educational experiences to over 1 million visitors annually, strives to break down barriers to inclusion, and hosts numerous congressional events each year.

The position will be open through January 24, 2020.  To apply, or for more information, please visit this link: https://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob/ViewDetails/555608800.

Please disseminate this announcement within your networks it would be terrific.

Ray Mims

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