[PCA] Job: Precision Restoration Technician

Maggie Eshleman maggieeshleman at gmail.com
Tue May 7 10:23:12 CDT 2019

The Wyoming Chapter of The Nature Conservancy is hiring a Precision
Restoration Technician
for the upcoming field season. Specifically, the Precision Restoration
Technician will primarily support The Nature Conservancy's Sagebrush Sea
Innovative Restoration project by producing and field-testing enhanced seed
materials, which are designed to increase the success of native perennial
vegetation restoration in wildlands prone to invasion by exotic weeds.
Other projects may include, but are not limited to, traveling to sagebrush
sea states (ID, NV, OR, UT) to install and monitor field experiments,
conducting seeding on Conservancy preserves, performing controlled
germination experiments, and assisting with projects in collaboration with
local, state, and federal agencies. The full position announcement can be
found on The Nature Conservancy’s career page following the links provided

These are full time (40 hour) seasonal positions based in Lander, Wyoming
that start on 7/1/2019 and end 11/22/2019. The *deadline to apply is June 3
at 11:59pm*.

Job Posting:

Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions!

Maggie Eshleman

*Restoration Scientist*

maggie.eshleman at tnc.org

307-335-2124 (office)
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